College News

Lockers for Students
Lockers are available at $20.00 for the whole year. Students are required to supply their own locks to ensure safety of items stored. Payment can be made via compass or at the College Office.
Vaccinations - Yr 7 & Yr. 10 Students
Yr. 10 - 3rd April - Meningococcal ACWY - 1 dose only.
Yr. 7 - 7th May - HPV & Boostrix - 1 dose each only- both on same day.
Vaccinations consents are now 'online' and instructions were
provided through Compass on the 20th February 2024.
If you do not have access to a computer or do not have a Medicare
card number; Vaccination Envelopes can be collected from our office.
New addition to the Uniform Shop
Uniform Shop Price List
Changing Light with Miss Jarvis
""Changing Light" is an exhibition of oil and acrylic paintings by local artist and art teacher Brooke Jarvis. The paintings show the mesmeric sky, vast landscape and vibrant colours of the Riverina. The artworks are inspired by the artists personal experiences of wonder and awe. The oil paintings show beauty in quiet moments and invoke drama through colour and expressive mark making. The free-flowing acrylic pour paintings present a more emotional response to the landscape. In these paintings birds merge with the abstract lanscape creating a sense of presence and absence and the passing of time."
Visit the "Changing Light" exhibition at Griffith Regional Theatres ArtSpace. Closes on the 28th of March.