Primary School
Next week we will be holding a Walpole Assembly in The Farrall Centre for our Year 3 - 6 students. The assembly will commence at 2.15pm on Monday afternoon. We welcome families to attend.
Meet the Teacher
27 and 29 February - Rescheduled dates
Parents are invited to attend a “Meet the Teacher” session during February with Primary School classroom teachers. These sessions are designed to give you an overview of the learning program and classroom organisation for the year. Please note that child care will not be provided. All sessions will be held in classrooms at 5.00pm on the following dates:
- Tuesday 27 February - Prep and Year 1 - rescheduled date
- Thursday 29 February - Year 2 - rescheduled date
Year 5 - Collaborative Day at the Domain
Friday 23 February
All Year 5 students will be participating in a collaborative learning day at Legacy Park Community Hub Playground at the Queen’s Domain. The aim of the day is to develop collaborative learning skills through a range of activities in accordance with our focus approach to learning during our How we organise ourselves inquiry. Activities will be run in cross class groupings to also develop our Year 5 learning community; an opportunity to get to know all students and teachers across the year level.
Students will be walking to and from school, departing at 10.00am and returning to school by 3.10pm. They should bring a packed lunch, morning and afternoon tea, a drink bottle and hat. NO CANTEEN ORDERS ON THIS DAY. Sunscreen will be provided throughout the day and the students are invited to wear their P.E. uniform for this excursion.
Years 3 and 5 Learn to Swim
Monday 26 February - Friday 1 March
The Years 3 and 5 Learn to Swim program will be held at Friends’ Health & Fitness pool from Monday 26 February - Friday 1 March. Any enquiries please contact Lisa Di Venuto on 6210 2228.
Years 4 and 6 Learn to Swim
Monday 4 - Friday 8 March
The Years 4 and 6 Learn to Swim program will be held at Friends’ Health & Fitness pool from Monday 4 - Friday 8 March. Any enquiries please contact Lisa Di Venuto on 6210 2228.
Year 2 Outdoor Education Excursion - kunanyi/ Mt Wellington to Margate
Tuesday 5 March
On Tuesday 5 March Year 2 will be going on an Outdoor Education excursion to follow the path water takes from its source to the sea and to explore some of the impacts that may have on marine ecosystems. The students will follow the North West Bay River from its source on kunanyi/Mt Wellington all the way to its mouth in Margate. Parts of the journey will be on foot, other parts will be on a bus. Year 2 class teachers will accompany their classes with the assistance of Outdoor Education Teacher Emily Ardas.
We will depart school at 9.00am and return to school by approximately 3.00pm. Students will need to wear (or carry in their bags) warm clothes on this day, this includes a warm jumper (wool, polar fleece or puffer jacket), warm pants (track pants or fleece pants), beanie, gloves and a waterproof raincoat as it could be cold.
As we will be away from school for most of the day, students will need to bring a large packed lunch (no lunch orders), snacks and drink from home, and any required medications for the day. Please update your child’s Operoo profile if necessary.
Year 3 Excursion to Mt Nelson Signal Station
Thursday 29 February
Year 3 are visiting the Mt Nelson Signal Station as part of their inquiry into How we organise ourselves. Students have been exploring different types of communication including the Semaphore system. Built in 1811, the Mount Nelson Signal Station will give students a first hand experience of how communication was conducted in the early 19th century. They will conduct their own Semaphore communications, observe other types of communication and make connections with their understanding of different technologies used to communicate.
We will leave school by bus at 12.30pm and return for the end of the school day. Students will need a hat, drink bottle, a snack, raincoat and any medication they normally have at school.
If a parent would like to support this excursion, please contact your child’s classroom teacher. Note that for all Friends’ School volunteer activities you will also need to complete a Volunteer Registration Form.
NAPLAN Assessment dates
NAPLAN Assessments will occur for Year 3 and Year 5 students between Wednesday 13 March and Tuesday 19 March. There will be no interruptions to the classroom specialists timetable, however we do ask that all children are present at school by 8.45am on these days to begin the assessments at 9.00am. The assessments are conducted in a predetermined order, and will follow the pattern of Writing, Reading, Conventions of Language and Numeracy over the four days. There will be opportunities for students to complete catch up assessments if they happen to not be at school on the day throughout the assessment period. We are mindful that this can be a time of high anxiety for some students and we will endeavour to support all students in a gentle and calm manner during this time. Please contact Wendy Crow, if you have any queries.
Primary School Co Curricular Options
The Primary School offers a rich and varied co-curricular program in support of the School’s Purpose and Concerns and formal curriculum. It allows for the development of new skills and provides opportunities for the development of individual interests, to enhance the PYP attitudes and to enable action to be taken by the children. It provides for the development of a balanced child and supports the wellbeing of each individual. Opportunities for involvement in sporting, music, service, enrichment and extension activities are provided both in school and outside school hours. These activities are opt in by students, supported by staff and families.
Please see this link for information about the various sports available at the Primary School this year. Details about training times and locations and dates for rosters and carnivals will be sent to parents via Operoo during the course of the year.
The 2024 music ensembles and rehearsal times can be viewed here.
We also have a number of special interest clubs available for our students. Clubs are run on a per term basis and are based on student wants and interests. With the exception of the Chess Club (please see below), all clubs are run during school hours at break times. Clubs available this term can be viewed here.
Year 5 Band
Year 5 Band rehearsals have commenced and are being held on Mondays from 3pm - 4pm in The Farrall Centre. Please email if you require further information.
Year 6 Concert Band
Year 6 Concert Band (formerly known as Morris Band) has kicked off, with rehearsals taking place Fridays from 7.40am - 8.40am in The Farrall Centre. Interested students need only show up to become a member. Please email for further information.
Intermediate Band
Intermediate Band rehearsals are underway, with the ensemble meeting every Monday between 4pm and 5pm in The Farrall Centre. This ensemble is aimed at students who have played a wind, brass or percussion instrument for at least two years. For students who have played in the All School Combined Primary Band or Morris Band, Intermediate Band is the next step. We would encourage such students to attend. Furthermore, members of this ensemble will have the option to travel to Melbourne to participate in the Victorian Schools Music Festival in August.
Please email Hilary Morgan for further information.
Primary Chess Club
Our Primary Chess Club is held on Wednesdays after school for students in Years 3 - 6. It is run by an external organisation, Black Square Chess, and each session includes a lesson and games. If your child would like to join, please email Sharon Ryan.
If your child will be absent from school for the day please advise the Primary School Office (phone: 6210 2228, or email: ) and the classroom teacher before 9.00am. We appreciate your support in this process.
Important Dates
Term 1 Thursday 1 February to Friday 12 April
Monday 11 March – Eight Hour Day holiday
Tuesday 26 March – Thursday 28 March – Year 5 Camp
Friday 29 March - Tuesday 2 April – Easter