Sports Desk

John Wink

Swim Trials 2024


Approximately 100 students participated in our CSPS Swim Trials last Friday. All students are to be congratulated on their participation and sportsmanship. 


Students that swam the fastest times in their age group will now go onto represent themselves and our school at the District Swimming Carnival at GESAC on March 7.


“I loved it! I liked doing freestyle the best! I went in 3 races and I tried my best. I am definitely looking forward to going again next year! I think I will be faster next year because I will be a year older.” Mackenzie S, Year 3


“I did freestyle and backstroke. I think I was better at freestyle and I had lots of fun. Next time I will practise more so I can go in breaststroke as well”. Ruby, Year 3


“I enjoyed racing against my friends. I participated in backstroke and freestyle. It was my first time at the trials and it was lots of fun!” Octavia, Year 3

“I liked the swim trials even though I didn’t get a ribbon because I had fun and enjoyed being there with friends. I will practise some more and go again next year. My best race was in freestyle.” Shelly, Year 5


“Even though I didn’t win every race I still had fun supporting and hanging out with my friends.” Frankie, Year 6


“In my opinion the day was really fun. It went by pretty quickly. It was scary at first but then I got used to it. Everyone did well.” Juliet, Year 6



Learn to Swim

A huge thank you to our staff, parents and students to ensure the smooth running of our Year 3-6 Learn to Swim Program. Year 3 & 5 have been attending this week and Year 4 & 6 next week. We really appreciate those parents who have assisted with travelling to and from the venue on buses to assist us in fulfilling our adult to student offsite ratio requirements. 


Please note that the swimming groups for day 1 is used as an assessment day. Students are put into groups according to their nominated level (from the previous year or from parents if the student is new to CSPS) and assessed by the GESAC staff who teach hundreds of students each week. On Day 2 onwards, the students will be in the same group or a different one, based on the assessment of day 1. Please refrain from emailing your child’s class teacher about groupings.


“I have been enjoying doing my swimming lessons. I’ve enjoyed butterfly and playing with the sinkies. One of them, I had to go all the way down to get it.” Laila, Year 3


“I have enjoyed my swimming lessons. I enjoy swimming a lot. I like freestyle the best because I’m really good at it!” Ethan, Year 3


“I’ve loved getting better at the things I’m already good at like freestyle. I also like doing backstroke. I’ve loved how kind the GESAC teachers have been.” Josh, Year 3



John Wink

PE Teacher