Parents' Association

Whole School Family Welcome Event
It was wonderful to see our school grounds abuzz with excitement last Friday evening at the Whole School Family Welcome Event. A big thank you to our PA Reps, in particular Year 6 families, who assisted in organising the event, volunteering their time to serve hot dogs. Thank you to the staff and Father Trevor who were able to attend.
Prep and New Families Welcome Event
We are looking forward to our Prep and New Families joining us for the annual Welcome Event at school tomorrow evening at 7pm.
Uniform Shop
Please see the dates that the Uniform Shop will run in Semester One.
Friday, 22nd March
Friday, 19th April
Friday, 21st June
We welcome all donations and kindly request that all items be washed prior to drop-off.
All proceeds from uniform sales go to our fabulous school!
Emma Roux and Luisa De Luca
Sacred Heart Meals Service
What is the meals service:
The Sacred Heart Meals Service is available to all Sacred Heart families that require some practical help in the form of meals at a time of need. This may be due to a very happy occasion such as a new birth in the family, or in more difficult circumstances such as a death or illness in a family.
How does it work:
The Meals Service Coordinators can be contacted by a teacher, class rep, member of the Parents Association, a friend within the school or the family members themselves. The coordinators would then contact the family to chat about what would be helpful (e.g. how often, favourite meals, dietary requirements etc) and then coordinate the service, requesting assistance from the relevant year level.
It’s important to note that we are very careful in being discreet at all times and maintaining confidentiality, ensuring the family are happy with what information (if any) is passed on to those we are asking to assist.
We can be contacted via the following methods:
Amy McIvor
Ph 0411 034 463
Caroline O’Sullivan
Ph 0419 100 964
Please feel free to reach out to either of us with any questions, we are here to help!
Kind regards,
Caroline O’Sullivan (Billy Year 3) and Amy McIvor (Rafferty Year 2)
2024 Parents' Association Meeting Dates (all meetings will begin at 6:30pm)
Term 2
Tuesday 7 May
Term 3
Tuesday 13 August (online meeting)
Term 4
PA AGM - Tuesday 26 November