Weekes' Weekly News

Learning, growing and celebrating together...

Dear Sacred Heart Kew Families,


The BEST school in Kew. Why all the laughter? What makes Sacred Heart Kew the best school in the area? Let me tell you a story…


Last Friday afternoon, we celebrated our 2024 School Leaders Badge Presentation Assembly. It was a wonderful occasion where we acknowledged our 2024 school leaders, Semester One Class Captains and Environmental Monitors. At one point during the assembly, I made the comment, ‘I believe that this is the best school in the Kew area’. From amongst the crowd there was an innocent chuckle, an almost, chortle of amazement filling the air as I went on to explain just how lucky we all are to be at Sacred Heart Kew. Upon reflection, I took this sound to mean that this particular person was perhaps thinking that my comment was just one of those things one would say, a biassed view, as maybe, I just know this school so well (and not all the others), and of course, the Principal is going to say that he thinks that the school he works at, is the best in Kew. Well, let me explain a few things a little further, let me reason my way out of this, let me add more meat to this supposed offhand comment of mine. 


I begin with our children. Each day, our staff come to our school, because of our children. Our children are respectful, well mannered, well rounded, driven, attentive, friendly, and this is even before the school bell rings. All children breathe new life into the school and make our work rewarding each and every day. Anyone who has ever been to a Friday assembly will know just how much the children care for one another, hearing them cheer and congratulate each other, as student of the week award winners are announced, is one of life's great moments. 


Our staff are pretty darn good too. Professional, compassionate, dedicated individuals, who have every child’s best interests at the heart of each teaching moment, and in every decision that we make as a staff group. 


Our parents and our families are our biggest advocates. Generous, supportive, a social  bunch who partner with us, so all children can flourish and thrive at Sacred Heart Kew, and in their later years. We are fortunate to be blessed to have a positive and vibrant community. 


There are also some other reasons, which include, but not limited to:


Evidence based learning and teaching programs - including:

  • High educational standards - Targeted personalised learning (tracked from Prep - Year 6)
  • Literacy Program supported by principles of Science of Reading and Little Learners Love Literacy (LLLL) 
  • MiniLit Sage (Targeted intervention) 

Straight grade class structure and smaller average class sizes

  • Greater opportunities for children to develop their skills and confidence within a smaller class/year level setting

Diverse and rich learning opportunities (including extracurricular activities) 

  • Faith celebration opportunities within the school and parish
  • Specialist classes - Visual and Performing Arts, Physical Education and Chinese Mandarin
  • School Musical and Art Show (alternate years)
  • Mandarin/Multicultural Day celebrations
  • Extensive Camp Program (Prep - Year Six) with a trip to Canberra every second year
  • Instrumental Music Program
  • Garden and Running Club
  • Sustainability awareness and initiatives 

Student Voice and School Leadership opportunities

  • Year 6 Leaders, School/House Captains, Class Captains, Environmental Monitors
  • Year 6 leadership program and activities - Sailing, Public Speaking, Youth Leadership and Lunchtime Clubs

Student Wellbeing

  • Buddy Benches and highly vigilant staff members, aware of all children in the school 
  • Engaging and organised learning environments for children requiring additional learning support
  • Interactions with children from all levels - Year Six Buddy program and House events
  • Prep - Six Buddy program
  • Spiritual, physical, social, emotional and academic growth acknowledged and celebrated

Community Connections

  • Supportive and generous Parents’ Association 
  • Strong links with Parish and Father Trevor 
  • Partnership with Petit Kinder (Year 5 SHK children and 4 Year old Kinder children)
  • Positive and supportive school community where everyone is known and valued
  • Supportive of past children and their secondary schools - community service program

Speaking of our past children…


Believe it or not, we even have past children who walk past our school gates, on their way to their new secondary schools, thinking twice about walking past our school gate, instead of to their new one. These children actually articulate that they still want to be enrolled at our school. 


It goes without saying (and I know that I wrote this in the newsletter last year) that we would love to see all our children who begin at our school in Prep graduate from Sacred Heart Kew with their peers in Year Six. We are most grateful to our current Year Five and Year Six parents who have kept their children here, for their child’s senior primary school years. Thank you for the faith and support you have shown us, as we educate your child(ren) all the way through to Year Six. On your side, the one school uniform for 7 years is a HUGE plus.  


Next week, we will share an Operoo form with families, requesting enrolment information intentions for 2025. As we plan for the future, we would appreciate knowing whether (at this early stage) your child(ren) will be attending Sacred Heart Kew next year. The information you provide will certainly not be 'fixed’, families will not be bound by this information. We simply wish to gauge approximate numbers for next year. This information will assist us as we plan and budget for possible class structures and sizes, that may be in place in 2025. Thank you in advance for providing us with the most 'current' information for next year. 


Well, now you know why I referred to our school as the BEST school in the Kew area. There are no doubt a number of other reasons that I haven’t shared, you may even have some of your own (and I’d love to hear or read about these too). 


116 Cotham Rd, Kew, the only place to be. 


Wishing everyone a lovely weekend.  


Kind Regards, 


Ed Weekes 


School Principal