Head of Campus, Tarneit

Ms Lisa Robinson

What is Community?

We are all valued members of the Good News Lutheran College community. A phrase you may have heard a number of times at recent parent events or through other forms of communication. Personally, I have also used a similar phrase when reflecting on the warm welcome I received as a new staff member at GNLC. But what is community? 


A group of academics at Stanford University have researched the social constructs of community. Community is not a place or a building or an organization, but rather about people. It’s a feeling and a relationship that forms among people who gather with a common goal or purpose.


Belonging, trust, safety and care are aspects of community that we aspire for our students to experience throughout their journey at GNLC. Importantly, we also seek to grow our young people's understanding of the role they play in this. We strive to help each student achieve their personal best and share the love of Jesus as they learn and grow together.


An element of community that is tangible for all to see is our College uniform. Wearing the College uniform correctly is an expectation for students. However, wearing the uniform with pride as a valued member of the community exhibits a sense of belonging and care for the GNLC community. Wearing teal, navy and white with pride is what staff are seeking to achieve with our students. As a community, we ask for your support in assisting us with this. I encourage you to share with your children why you have chosen GNLC and why you think it is the best community for them. Do you know the history of the logo that appears on the student’s uniform? It may be through these conversations and stories that our students grow in their understanding of their place and purpose within this community. Wearing the uniform with pride demonstrates a connection to the community that we seek for all students.


The community of Good News Lutheran College has a rich history that started in 1997.

 Without a sense of belonging, trust, safety and care it would not have grown into the wonderfully rich community we all have the privilege of experiencing today. Let us pray that with God’s grace and guidance, we will continue to shape and meet the needs of those within the GNLC community in the present whilst also looking forward to the future.


Ms Lisa Robinson

Head of Campus (Tarneit)