
Principal Report 

New Leaders in our College

We are very excited to have Miss Morgan Coventry step up to assist Mrs Hayley Hocking with 7-9 Sub school coordination. 

Student Representative Council Advocates

The new student advocates for SRC are as follows.

Year 11 Buzz 

Year 10 Chloe

Year 9 Silas and Madric

Year 8 Maisy 

Year 7 Brianna 

Year 6 Ayla

Year 5 Caleb and Charlotte

Year 4 Alex, Eliza and Tayler


Senior School Captains join our office as Chairperson and Vice Chair and the Junior School Captains assist their year level SRC members in their roles.


Student's first task apart from deciding on their Constitution and signing a student leadership code of conduct, is to create a focus


What New Area Could Our Student Leaders Focus On?

 Help our student leaders to make an IMPACT! 

Effective leaders turn initial expectations into ongoing activity.

Where is the NEED?

Our problems become our NEEDS. Our Needs become our opportunities.

Leaders overcome problems with needs that make opportunities.


SRC Members will survey their year levels to gather data on College pride (the sense of pride that all students have in the college); Charity Fundraising (Giving to those who are in need); College Environment (The physical grounds and environment of the college); College Life (The vibrancy around the college and the level of interaction and enjoyment); Developing others (The level of focus placed on improving the wellbeing of others); Student Leadership (What has been done in the past that they might want to continue). 

This information will assist them focus and provide motivation to make a difference and will be valuable in our Review process this year and going forward as we plan for a new Strategic Plan

Edenhope College 2024 Rural Youth Ambassador 

Congratulations Lolah Joubert.

Lolah will be away Monday 25th March to Wednesday the 27th March for 1 of 4 forums. She will meet and greet with fellow Ambassadors and CEP staff. She will attend Leadership Development courses exploring areas such as: Me as a Leader, My Leadership aspirations, What is Leadership?, Great Leadership, My Leadership style and journey. Key meetings and discussions with key education personnel, key stakeholders in relation to youth agency.


Lunch with the Principal

The following students have raised over $100 so far and have been pulled out of a draw to have Lunch with Trevor last Wednesday in the Food centre at 1pm.

Our students and parents have raised an amazing $2765.00 so far.

  • Bailey O, Brielle H, Harry K, Mia, Spencer K, Piper, Heidi, Ella, Robert and Augie.

Pancakes for NAPLAN

The VM and VPC team of students are developing their cooking and catering skills to provide yummy pancakes for our students at Recess on NAPLAN Days.


Fire Drill Debrief

A very successful Fire /Evacuation drill was undertaken last Thursday.


The Visit from our local CFA was a big highlight. Thanks to all from the CFA who kindly brought the tanker for the students to inspect.



Mrs Donna Tucker

Assistant Principal