
In the vibrant tapestry of our school community, we're deeply committed to nurturing an environment where every student can flourish academically, emotionally, and socially. Today, I invite you to explore the profound link between wellbeing and attention, and how our collective efforts foster a culture of focus and engagement within our school, setting the stage for success not only in the classroom but also in all aspects of life.


In our bustling corridors and lively classrooms, we recognise that students thrive when they feel supported and emotionally secure. By prioritising their wellbeing, we lay a foundation for enhanced attention and focus. When students feel emotionally balanced and connected, they are better equipped to concentrate on their studies, leading to improved academic performance and a deeper engagement with learning.


Understanding the importance of movement in promoting cognitive function and overall wellbeing, we actively encourage students to engage in physical activities throughout the day. Whether through energising brain breaks or outdoor exploration, these activities not only recharge their energy but also sharpen their ability to concentrate. By incorporating movement into their daily routine, students develop the stamina and focus needed to tackle academic challenges with confidence.


Central to our approach is the cultivation of supportive relationships within our school community. By fostering connections among students, teachers, and staff, we create a nurturing environment where students feel valued and understood. These supportive relationships serve as a crucial anchor, providing students with the emotional resilience they need to stay focused and engaged, both inside and outside the classroom.


On the home front, a consideration for parents/carers is the pervasive influence of technology, particularly video games, on students' attention spans. While video games can be engaging and entertaining, excessive usage has been linked to attention-related issues in some cases. To delve deeper into this topic, we invite you to explore an article from Psychology Today, which examines the complex relationship between attention and video game usage. 


Ultimately, our goal is to embed a culture where wellbeing and focus are intertwined in the fabric of daily life. By nurturing the complete student – mind, body, and spirit – we equip them with the tools they need to excel not only academically but also in their personal growth and relationships.


As partners in your child's educational journey, we invite you to join us in fostering a culture of wellbeing and focus within our school community. Together, let's celebrate the diverse ways in which our students engage with learning, nurturing their holistic development and empowering them to thrive as focused and resilient individuals, both now and in the future.

Ben Kilby



Heavy Gaming May Aggravate Attention Problems | Psychology Today Australia