
Hello Parents/Guardians and Community Members,
This term we have many careers events happening, the details of each of these opportunities are outlined below. All Careers events are announced to students at year meetings, morning assemblies, posted online and in this newsletter. Please contact the careers office if you wish to seek further information about any of these opportunities for your child.
YEAR 10 Work Experience – Week 11 Term 1 – 8th April – 12th April!
Please note that Year 10 Work Experience week has been brought forward to the last week this term 8th April – 12th April! * Forms and Information packs for both Parents & Employers have been sent home and students the past two weeks. All students must start planning to sort out their placements. All Year 10 students are expected to be out on work experience in that final week this term, so I am happy to assist students who find this process quite daunting.
Please read through all the documents carefully as they will go through the important information, requirements and steps required for all students to organise their work experience placement. While it is always preferable and encouraged that Year 10 students arrange their own work experience opportunities (this shows employers a student’s initiative and communication skills), students and families are welcome to contact the careers office to seek clarification, and support in this process.
I will need to approve all placements due to department insurance requirements and rules, so please encourage your child to come and speak with me about any ideas they have for this placement.
TAFE YES Program – Construction Commencing on 16th February – 12th April 2024 (Every Friday in Term 1).
Our TAFE YES Construction students have commenced their main projects and are really starting to see some progress with their resort chairs. See the new updated photos below. Well done to all students on your enthusiasm, engagement and positive teamwork demonstrated each Friday.
As always, these amazing courses are due to the tireless work and advocacy for our students by Fee Smith of Narrandera TAFE, and we also thank our TAFE Construction teachers and TAFE staff for their instructions each week.
Upcoming Events:
CSU School Visit for Senior Students – 6th March during the year meeting:
The Future Students Team will be at Narrandera High School on Wednesday 6th March to discuss with our senior students all things CSU, including course options, entry pathways, early entry process, important dates, scholarships and much more. This event will occur during the Senior Year Meeting and students will have the opportunity to stay back and speak directly with CSU staff to ask any further questions they may have.
CSU Explore Day 19th March 2024:
On Tuesday 19th March a group of Year 10, 11 and 12 students will be heading over to attend the CSU Explore Day. This is a fantastic day for students to immerse themselves into interactive workshops and to explore and try out University courses and see what university life is like.
All students have had the opportunity to register for this event at year meetings and in classes. This excursion is now at full capacity. Due to the change in buses being available, we have had to cap this excursion to the first 23 students who complete the permission note and pay the $15 excursion fee.
White Card Courses: 8th April * 8:30am-3:30pm In the School Library.
We now have a confirmed date of delivery for the White Card Course – 8th April * 8:30am start time and 3:30pm finish time. The course is completely subsidised by the Department of Education and so there is no cost for the course itself. However, the SafeWork Card does have a cost of $28.50 for each student.
*All students will need to obtain a Unique Student Identifier Number to participate. I can assist students to obtain this online but will require them to bring in a photo of their Medicare card to obtain this USI. Or students can obtain this themselves by accessing the following website:
All students wishing to undertake White Card training are encouraged to see me to have their name put on the waitlist for the next course which will be confirmed at a later date.
Charles Sturt University – Upcoming information sessions for students and families interested:
The School of Rural Medicine are having an information session for anyone interested in studying medicine at CSU, see below link to register.
Wednesday 20 March 2024
Mrs Judy Ing
Careers Adviser