Principals message

On Tuesday, we welcomed the Director – Educational Leadership for the Narrandera School network, Mrs Tanya Whyte, to Narrandera High School. Mrs Whyte met with the School Leaders and House Captains for morning tea and an informal chat. 

As the weather begins to cool down, a reminder to families to start thinking about organising students winter uniform. Jackets, jumpers and long pants/track pants are available from the uniform shop, and we are restocked with shorts. 

School Uniform ItemPrice
Polar Fleece Jumpers$30
Girls black trousers$40
Sport short$25

Students are still able to wear their winter uniform from 2023 as 2024 and 2025 are transition years to the new uniform. Any families who are experiencing financial difficulties can apply for student assistance by contacting the front office or any member of the wellbeing team. 

Students in Stage 4 may be part of a literacy and numeracy program during 2024 to support their continued development in these areas. A number of staff have been trained in specific programs and the small group tutorials will target areas where students need additional support. Mrs O’Mahoney (Head Teacher Learning and Intervention) will coordinate this program with a range of staff members supporting and explicitly teaching these concepts to small groups of students. This program is one of many which Narrandera High School has implemented to be able to give students supported and targeted assistance to improve their educational outcomes. 


Tania Maddison
