Around the Primary Classes

Early Learning Centre (ELC)
As we have welcomed a new learning year, the Early Learning Centre students have welcomed specialised subjects. Throughout their first week, our ELC the students have participated in Dance, HPE, Japanese and have visited the Library to share a special story.
Specialised subjects help children to foster a sense of passion and interest, making learning more engaging and enjoyable for each student.
We welcomed Mrs Karen Giudici into the ELC program and had a blast participating in some sensory finger painting fun to get our scrapbook covers ready for the year ahead.
Outside School Hours Care (OSHC)
During December and January, our Holiday program participants took part in various activities every day from Dress Up Rock Star Day, Crazy Creature Day, cooking and crafts and even an Explosion Day!
We all were gardeners on the Gardening Day and children were thrilled to plant veggies and flowers. We loved water the plants and watching them grow throughout the holidays. The bush walk to Lambert Park was a great opportunity for the students to build a connection with our natural environment.
Our Musical Days included a Kombi Crew silent disco, karaoke and dancing. These activities gave the children an opportunity to express their social, emotional and expressive skills in fun and engaging way. Seeing a screening of “Migration” at Village Cinemas and the Mini Athletics Day were declared the favourite activities of the children.
Other days were based on themes, such as Birthday Party Day, Travel Wednesday, Wellbeing & Calm Being Day, Pjs and Pizza Day all of which had overwhelming participation from children and parents.
And if all of that wasn't enough, environmentally friendly Cardboard Box Day allowed the children to explore their creativity and show how a simple box can spark their imaginations.
Week 1 in Kindergarten was filled with mixed emotions for our Kinder families and newest (and littlest) students of our College. Excitement has bubbled alongside a touch of nervousness, but it was so wonderful to see all the smiling faces, as we each entered the Kindergarten space for our first day of a new journey!
We have had such a fun-filled, exciting and joyful week! There have been many friendships made, giggles galore and many moments of learning and growing. We have played inside, outside, in worlds only we could see and created masterpieces with playdough, beads, markers and natural resources. We are mastering the routines of the Kindergarten classroom. And we love learning about all sorts of things. Our learning journeys in Kindergarten have begun and what a year it will be!
The Prep students have commenced the year full of excitement to see old friends and welcome our new friends to the Mount Carmel College community. The girls have been busy exploring their new classroom and have established the best café in town in our kitchen area. Orders are written down carefully and delivered with enthusiasm.
We have enjoyed creating artwork and learning how we can ‘fill a bucket’ through being kind and respectful to each other. We are looking forward to a happy and exciting year of learning and growing together.
Year 1
It has been an exciting and busy start to 2024 in Year 1. The most thrilling part has been being able to wear the summer dress for the first time! We have been looking forward to this for two years!
We have enjoyed exploring our new classroom, which is right next door to our Prep room, learning new routines and connecting with old friends. So far we have enjoyed Dance, Library, HPE, Japanese and Music.
We have commenced our Integrated Unit called ‘All about Me,’ we’ve written about our school holidays and shared our understanding of numbers to 20 and beyond. We can’t wait for our upcoming visit to St Mary’s Cathedral and the Swimming Carnival.
Year 2
The Year 2 class has begun the year with excitement and is eager to learn. We wrote learning goals in English, Mathematics and about our general classroom participation. We will display these in our classroom to remind each of us about our individual goals we set ourselves.
Year 3
Year 3 students started the new year filled to the brim with excitement about using “the big kids” playground and bathrooms. Smiling faces feel grown up sitting at individual desks, using College planners for the first time, meeting new friends and catching up with old friends.
In our learning, we have hit the ground running, exploring what we already know about key ideas in our Integrated Unit ‘What Am I?’. As part of this, we have drawn maps of Australia, labelling and drawing everything we know, and sorted animal cards into different groups, explaining and justifying our choice of categories.
It has been a wonderful start to 2024 and we so excited to see how our ideas grown and change as we learn.
Year 4
Year 4 students have had a fantastic start to the year with a big focus on establishing class values, getting to know new students and setting up for a busy year of learning!
We have started working on expanding our knowledge of place value, practising times tables, narrative writing and discussing the importance of making time to help others during Lent. We are excited to dive into History in HaSS and Forces in Science over the next week.
It has been a fantastic start to Year 4 and we are excited to share our learning as the year progresses.
Year 5
Our Year 5 classes have begun the year on a positive note- welcoming our new classmates; Luka, Elise, Aimee, Amali, Evelyn, Esther and Savannah, and embracing the new routines and expectations.
Year 5 responsibilities include delivering primary lunch orders and issuing and collecting sports equipment at lunchtime. One of our first combined class activities has been brainstorming the rules and standards for our Year 5 Charter. You will see these displayed outside our classrooms in the coming week. The students are also super excited for our upcoming camp in early March.
Year 6
Year 6 students have had a busy start to the year! We have been learning about what it means to be a leader and identifying our own character strengths which make us a leader. We have also looked at leaders around the world and identified the qualities they demonstrate. Specifically, we have been discussing the many ways in which Year 6 students are leaders in our College community. All students have created a personalised leadership statement clearly outlining their individual leadership qualities and how they will be a great leader in Year 6, 2024.