Catholic Identity & Mission

Gerard McNulty

The Significance of the Ashes on Ash Wednesday

As we enter into the season of Lent let us take time to reflect on one of the significant signs of us entering into this Church season.  Dr Drasko Dizdar, a wonderful theologian in Tasmania, has an excellent way of understanding the importance of the ashes we receive on Ash Wednesday.  Here is part of his wonderful exploration of the topic.   


What do Ash Wednesday, Harry Potter, Narnia and Pope Clement I all have in common? 


They all draw on the ancient, and widespread, myth of the Phoenix: a fantastically long-lived bird that spontaneously combusts in a conflagration of dazzling light and intense heat, only to arise once more, renewed and luminous, from its own ashes. 


The placing of ashes by marking the forehead on Ash Wednesday, is an ancient Western practice, marking the beginning of the season of Lent. Its basic message is that God’s intense and fiery love sets us free from all the evil waste of injustice, malice, envy, anger, violence, greed, etc., covering us, and reduces it all to ashes. But we, like the phoenix (which is to say our human nature as God had always intended it to be), are set free: like Christ himself, we are raised up from the ashes, renewed like the Sun of Justice, the Risen Christ.

Receiving the Sacraments in the Sandy Bay Parish

Receiving the Sacraments in the Catholic tradition is an important and special way of us maturing in our understanding of the Catholic faith life. The Sandy Bay Parish are inviting any students from Year 3 upwards to register for the sacramental program that includes the Sacraments of Reconciliation, Confirmation and Communion. Below are the dates and times for each of the sacraments. 


Sacrament of Reconciliation

Sunday 25 February

Welcome Candidates and Families at the 10am Mass and Catechesis after the 10am Mass

Sunday 3 MarchCatechesis after the 10am Mass
Sunday 10 MarchCatechesis after the 10am Mass
Sunday 17 MarchCatechesis after the 10am Mass
Thursday 21 March6pm - 7pm at Holy Spirit Church - First Reconciliation for Children and Reconciliation for Parishioners

Sacrament of Confirmation

Sunday 2 JuneCatechesis after the 10am Mass
Sunday 9 JuneCatechesis after the 10am Mass
Sunday 16 JuneCatechesis after the 10am Mass
Sunday 23 JuneCatechesis after the 10am Mass
Sunday 30 June / Sunday 7 July *10am Mass - Confirmation Mass

* The date for Confirmation will be advised shortly.

The tentative dates are 30 June and 7 July.


First Holy Communion

Sunday 4 AugustCatechesis after the 10am Mass
Sunday 11 AugustCatechesis after the 10am Mass
Sunday 18 AugustCatechesis after the 10am Mass
Sunday 25 AugustCatechesis after the 10am Mass
Sunday 1 September10am Mass - First Holy Communion Mass