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Sports Uniform
Now that our newly designed HPE uniform has been introduced, the Uniform Shop would like to offer families the opportunity to purchase the ‘older style’ sports uniform items at a discounted price.
These items may be worn by students for the next two years, and may be ‘mixed and matched’ with the newer items. Limited sizes across the range are available. Please use the Qkr! app to see the new pricing and which sizes are available.
Calling all volunteers!
In order to keep our canteen running at its best, we rely on the generous support of volunteers from our College community. Volunteering in our canteen provides a wonderful opportunity to be part of your child’s school life and get to know the staff and students your child shares so much of their time with.
Our Canteen operates 5 days a week and volunteers are required from 10am until 1.30pm. You may wish to volunteer once a week, once a month or once a term. Any amount of time you can give is much appreciated.
We welcome mums, dads, grandparents and carers and no experience is necessary as you will be guided through the preparation of lunches and serving over-the-counter purchases. Unfortunately toddlers/children are not permitted in the Canteen due to health & safety regulations. To ensure the safety of our students, volunteers are required to present a current Working With Vulnerable People (WWVP) check to the College Office.
If you are able to spare some time, please contact the College Office on 6216 7900.
Online Lunch Orders
A reminder to all parents and carers to update their daughter's details on the Qkr! app so that there is no confusion when it comes time to receiving/collecting their lunch orders.
It is as simple as opening the app as if you are placing an order - click on the "Profiles" tab - change the year level of your student(s).
For families new to our community, the Qkr app allows lunches to be ordered and paid for easily and in advance. All orders must be placed prior to 9.00am daily. Full details on how to download and use the app, along with the canteen menu, can be found on our website.
School Fees
An account statement has now been emailed to all families, which shows the total charges for the full year. The monthly payment is your total invoice divided by 10 (February – November), as this is the minimum amount due by the end of each month. School fees must be paid in full by the end of November 2024.
If the total account is paid by the 31 March 2024, an early payment discount of $100.00 per enrolled student will apply.
It is important that all families arrange a payment plan for their school fees so they don’t fall behind. If you are experiencing difficulties with payment of your fees, please do not hesitate to contact Mrs Kerrie Loveluck (Business Manager) via email or on 6216 7900.
Any general queries regarding fees can be emailed to or by calling 6216 7900.
SEQTA Engage
Parents and carers of students new to the College, and any parent/carer who has not previously created a SEQTA account, would have received an invitation to create aSEQTA Engage account.
SEQTA is the Learning Management System that we utilise across the College and we encourage all parents to engage with the SEQTA portal to assist with information flow between school and home, as well as assist parents to keep informed of what their daughter is studying. Parents will also be required to have a SEQTA Engage account to access academic reports.
If you require any assistance please contact the College Office. More information on SEQTA Engage and a useful resource can be found on the College website by clicking on the button below and you can also download instructions on how to use the app: