Liz O'Loughlin
Principal's Message
Liz O'Loughlin
Principal's Message
It's hard to believe that we are heading into the last week of February and have already completed four weeks of learning. I am so proud of how our students have settled into their classrooms and routines, especially given the busyness of this term. There are only five weeks of Term One left - let's keep up the great work!
Whilst summer is almost officially over, I would like to take this opportunity to remind you of the importance of wearing hats, not just for our students, but for everybody working or spending time in sun or even just outside. As you may be aware skin cancer, in Australia, is on the rise and the statistics are worrying. Please take the time to discuss the significance of simply wearing a hat with your family over dinner or in the car and normalise this easy habit.
Finally, I would like invite you to visit the St Laurence O'Toole Primary School website at and become familiar with our Wellbeing Policies, including the Child Safety and Wellbeing Policy. Whilst considering these policies, please be reminded that morning supervision commences at 8:25 am - please ensure your child/ren arrive on, or after, this time for child safety reasons.
I hope everyone has recovered or is on the way to recovering from the storms last week and please continue to look out for each other and our community
Cordialement ~ Liz