From the Principal

Lisa Goldsworthy



Last week I shared the “Free to Flourish” document with you all. Our in depth focus for the start of this year, and weaving its way through our whole year, is Compassion. 


Free to Flourish says, “We believe that learning opens our hearts and minds to the diversity of human perspectives, experiences, and wisdom traditions. It develops our capacity for compassion, selflessness, and advocacy. Learners engage in respectful and open dialogue and are cogently aware of inequity and bias. Their curiosity is grounded in deep understanding of the inherent dignity of all humans and enacted in service and advocacy. Learning is underpinned by love and justice so that learners are supported as they critically reflect on ways of seeing and thinking and trust their own growing capacity for discernment. Our learning communities are ethical places of inclusion, understanding, compassion, justice, and love.”


We have taken the time to ponder compassion, the expectations, and the protocols for working and playing so that we can exemplify what our Living Waters community looks like, sounds like and feels like as successful learning environments.


While reading a Lutheran Media document this week I saw an article entitled “Two Rules” if we did have “rules” (in the old way of thinking), rather than the positive, clear, expectations that we do have,  the two from the article would hit the nail on the head. 


The article reads, “The Pre-School teacher taught me two very concise but brilliant rules which we adopt: Please be gentle with the people here. Please be gentle with the things here. When rules were broken, she taught me to sit with children while they had a moment or two of ‘thinking time’ - time to just sit quietly and let their bodies and minds be still - for just long enough for their brains to catch up to their energy level. Then she taught me how to debrief with them using questions: What are the rules here? Were you being gentle? What will you do next time? What do you need to do now?"


This article is very like our compassionate approach to children exhibiting unacceptable behaviours. We have clear expectations and protocols and we how we successfully operate as a class has been explored. When behaviour goes beyond what’s acceptable we give time to deescalate, we use restorative justice conversations and where appropriate we contact families so we can be on the same page. There are times when we need to help children understand that their unacceptable behaviour is a safety risk for themselves and others or disrupting the learning for the class. We would then work with families on planning for success for that student. We are lucky at Living Waters to have wonderful relationships with our families who join with us to set their child up for success and we appreciate the support. 


Having dedicated this beginning time of the year to ‘learning how to learn’, we are confident we will have a successful year of teaching and learning with children clearly articulating their goals and meeting or exceeding them. 




A friendly reminder that if your child is sick please keep them home. We have several cases of Covid currently so be aware of the signs.



Yesterday was the final date for the early bird discount for 2024 fees. If you have not paid your fees in full or set up a payment plan you will be contacted by staff in the coming weeks to do so. All families need to finalise their 2024 fee payments prior to the close of school in December, unless otherwise organised with the school. 



Lastly, If you haven’t already please make sure you utilise your back to school voucher. Several children do not have a hat; these can be purchased on the back to school voucher. A hat is needed to participate in the compulsory physical education program. Please make sure your child’s hat is labelled. 





Mrs Lisa Goldsworthy