Student Wellbeing

Benefits of Music on our Mental Health and Wellbeing


On Wednesday the 29th November, we are celebrating our student’s Musical talent at the Greenhills Music Festival. We are so lucky to have so many talented musician students here and some great music instrument teachers. Kate Stewart runs an amazing Musical program, with a highlight coming at the end of the term, with our Year 5/6 students participating in the Battle of the Bands competition. 


The power of music is not only from an academic level but music can also have a positive impact on our wellbeing. When we talk about the Zones of Regulation, music is often a tool used to help us to regulate and be more mindful of the way we are feeling. Listening to music can be a great way for kids to relax and de-stress. It has the ability to reduce anxiety and promote a sense of calmness. 


There are many other benefits of music, with it also being used as a way to have a brain break and switch back on. This can be done through upbeat and lively music, which can boost our mood and energy levels. Teachers will often break up sessions with a Just Dance, or sing along, which allows students to switch back on for learning.


Not only does music have wellbeing benefits but it also improves our students academically. These include the cognitive benefits with evidence showing that learning to play an instrument can enhance cognitive skills such as memory, attention, and problem-solving. It can also improve mathematical abilities due to the rhythmic and pattern-based nature of music.


It also supports in developing our students into GREAT learners. Practising an instrument requires discipline and perseverance. It teaches kids the value of hard work and the satisfaction that comes with achieving a goal.


Encouraging kids to explore and enjoy music in various forms can contribute significantly to their overall wellbeing and also their future academic outcomes. Whether they're actively participating in music-making or simply enjoying their favourite tunes, the benefits are there. We are so happy to have such a strong music program at Greenhills.



Janine Hough -

Brad Ryan -


Janine and Brad.