Dates to remember 


Thursday 30thTeam colours day - gold coin donation
 Prep Orientation 4
Friday 1stFuel free Friday - ride or walk to school
 Prep Swimming
 2.50pm Assembly
Sunday 3rd8am -11.30am Working Bee
Tuesday 5thParent Helpers Morning Tea (World Volunteers Day)
 6.45pm School Council
Wednesday 6th Extension Writing Group - Book Launch
Thursday 7th 9.15am Meet the teacher #1
 9.30am -10.30am Prep 2024 
 2nd Hand Uniform Sale
 6pm Christmas Concert
Friday 8thGazillions Celebration Day (Movie)
Tuesday 12thMeet the Teacher #2 - (not prep 2024)
 Year 6 to 7 State High School Transition Day
Wednesday 13thYear 6 Park & Bear signing Day
 Year 1 Xmas Party 12.30 - 1.30pm
Thursday 14thYear 6 Graduation
Friday 15th2.30pm Assembly
Monday 18thYear 6 Funfields
Tuesday 19thProfessional Practice Day - Student free Day
Wednesday 20thLast day of term 4 - 1pm finish


Happy birthday to the following students who celebrate their birthdays this week:


Christopher H, Jonathan A, Luca O, Gabriella C, Zavier G, Fergus F, Lana N, Sienna R and Sophie Mc.