Message from the Principal 

James Penson 


Our Junior School Council Mini Fair was a G.R.E.A.T. day! We have had lots of positive feedback which has been summed up by this email from one of our parents:


It was such a lovely afternoon. So great to see the kids, teachers and families alike having such a wonderful time. Thank you and all Greenhills staff for putting this on, we appreciate how much goes into organising an event like this- especially at this time of year! We feel very grateful to be at such a special school where the kids come home happy every single day. 


A very big shout out to Suzie Hussein and our students who organised the event. Whilst the day was about providing a Spring Fair style experience for our students given so many of them have not had the opportunity to experience one, we also raised close to $4,000 which was a terrific outcome. This money will be used to replace some of our ageing fleet of projectors in classrooms with new TV screens.



Our Parent Association Colour Run was also an awesome event last week. It was wonderful to see students, staff and parents so happy and excited to be part of it all. Days like this are really memorable. They strengthen connections between students and strengthen the culture we have as a school community. The smiles on everyone’s faces and the joy of running and walking around together have made this a day to remember for this year and beyond! 


Thank you to Sarah Leach our wonderful Parent Association for all of the amazing organisation of this event. 


As you will be aware, this year, our school was selected by DET to be a Professional Learning Communities (PLC) Link School. This involves being provided with additional funds to release staff to work across our school system and assist schools to implement the PLC process. 


During Term 4, as part of this work, we linked with the team at Heidelberg Primary School. Team leaders at each level met throughout the term. They attended each others PLC meetings (both here at Greenhills and also at Heidelberg). 

Last week we held a joint meeting to debrief and capture the key learnings made by both schools. It was certainly a very valuable experience to be part of and we look forward to strengthening this again in 2024.


I am also pleased to confirm that we will again be a PLC Link school next year. This nomination is a wonderful recognition of our success in building a high-impact Professional Learning Community. 



We are using classroom wall charts to help track the number of trips our students are active to school and there will be a prize for the class that records the most active to school days. We will also be hosting our Fuel Free Friday this week on 1st December, so we are encouraging everyone to make a special effort on that day too! 


Our final working bee for this year will be Sunday 3rd December. We will start at 8.30am and finish at 11.30am but please feel free to attend for even part of this time as many hands make light work. The plan is to tidy up all pathways and entrances into our school from Mine Street, pressure wash concrete paths around classrooms and tidy up Curiosity Creek.


If you have a wheelbarrow, broom, shovel or other tools to assist that would be appreciated.  All students that attend with their families will receive a $5 lunch order voucher for the canteen. 


Our school operates a Community Support Fund. This money is used to support families with payments for camps, school events, uniform and other school based charges that occur throughout the year. We can confirm that during this school year we have provided over $5,105 of support to our families. This money has been entirely donated by other families across the school and for that we all say a very big thank you and know that your support has been valued and appreciated.



Our school is part of the Community Christmas Tree’s display at Greensborough Plaza. Our tree was designed and decorated by our Year 1 artists who were inspired with the theme “Family Christmas”. Each student used fine liner pens to draw a scene of what makes Christmas special for their family. They then blended out the edges with chalk pastel and added their decoration to our sparkly tree.


For every $20 spent at the Plaza you receive a token to vote for your favourite tree. The winning school will then receive $2000 towards their fundraising initiatives. 



James Penson
