The Syndal Stars focus for weeks 9 and 10 has been ‘I use my manners at all times’. As part of the school value of Respect, students are encouraged to remember to use their manners when speaking to classmates, staff and visitors. Whether they be in the classroom or on the playground, students know it is important to speak to each other politely.
In Foundation students worked with their Year 5 Buddies to make their very own ‘Garden of Good Manners’. The flowers in the garden remind us all of the kind words we can choose when interacting with our teachers and friends.
In Year 1, students discussed what it means to show manners and drew a picture of themselves when they show manners. Year 2 students worked collaboratively in groups to record their ideas about what manners are and when they should be used. Students discovered that even while working on this particular group activity they needed to remember their manners while sharing ideas and listening to the other group members.
In Years 3 and 4, students brainstormed all the scenarios that involve manners at school and in the community. They chose one scenario to turn into an engaging and educational comic, highlighting the importance of being polite and helpful when we use our manners.
In Years 5 and 6, we discussed why manners are important and looked at the ‘Circle of Control’. Students drew one circle within another circle. The inner circle is labeled ‘Within My Control’ and students wrote inside it the things they can control in their lives, such as what they give their energy to, how they speak to themselves and how they treat others. In the outer circle labeled ‘Out of My Control,’ students wrote down examples of things they cannot control, for example, the actions of others, what other people think of them, etc. This activity encourages students to let go of the stress surrounding things they cannot control and helps them to focus their energy on what they can control.