Learning & Teaching

Year 6 Treetops
What a wonderful time the students have had in Year 6 this year. It has been super busy inside and outside the classroom, filled with rich experiences to enhance student learning. The Treetops excursion wias no different and a great way to end their year.
On Monday, the Year 6's had their final outing together at Treetops Adventure in Belgrave.
They moved through tree branches on an array of ziplines, tight ropes and tunnels.
It certainly was a memorable way to end their primary school journey and enjoy the company of each other one last time.
Wellbeing Groups
Last Tuesday afternoon, all students gathered in their Wellbeing Group to participate in a fun Christmas activity. Some activities included vintage paper ornaments, paper plate baubles, door hangers, bookmarks and paper chain characters.
Kew Comets Workshops
This week, the Prep and Year 1 classes participated in football training workshops with coaches from Kew Comets. The students engaged in skills training and different fun footy activities. Thank you to Sarah Kennedy (Mick 4MD, Annabelle 3GR) for coordinating this with Mr O'Shea.
Semester 2 Reports
We are pleased to advise that 2023 Semester 2 Reports are now available. This report will provide you and your child with some insights into their progress this semester and offer a valuable opportunity to set goals for 2024.
These reports can be accessed via the nForma Parent Portal. Instructions on how to access the nForma Parent Portal were sent out yesterday to the email addresses that have been previously supplied to the school from no-reply@nforma.com.au and NOT the school. Please ensure that you check your junk/spam folder for an email from that address. For security purposes, all passwords have been reset since Semester 1 2023.
It is highly recommended that you use a computer to access your child’s reports for the first time. Subsequent logins can be made on a mobile device if preferred.
Once you have followed the instructions, you will be able to view your child’s report online.
You can also use the following link:
Once in the portal you will need to choose your child (if you have more than one at our school) and then choose 'Assessment and Reporting'. Then select the year/semester.
Forgotten passwords:
If you have forgotten your password, please follow the 'forgotten password' link. Please note that your new password needs to be at least 7 characters long and must include at least one non alpha-numeric character, e.g. *, - / or similar.
If you have requested a password reset and the email does not appear, please look in your junk/spam folder for an email from no-reply@nforma.com.au.
Please wait at least 15 minutes after you have reset your password before logging in again.
Please note the following:
Not all dimensions of a Learning Area are reported on each semester. If a child is showing the same result as the end of Semester One, this does mean that progress has not occurred. Progress is not always even and each child has his/her own rate of learning. Each increment represents six month's growth and your child may still be progressing but consolidating what has been learnt previously e.g. your child may have shown five month's growth but not moved up an increment.