School News

2024 Staffing 

School Counsellor (Susan Konstantas - CatholicCare) 


Susan Konstantas has completed her time here at Sacred Heart Kew and won't be returning in 2024.  We thank Susan for all the work that she has done, supporting our children in the School Counsellor role this year. We wish her well for her future endeavours.  


Elise Saunders-Dow (School Counsellor - CatholicCare)


Hi! My name is Elise and I am the new School counsellor at Sacred Heart Kew in 2024. I look forward to working with students, alongside parents and teachers. I am currently studying a Master of Clinical Psychology at RMIT and have worked with a diverse range of clients from different age groups. A bit about me – I love nature, reading, and Pilates! I am passionate about giving students the best opportunity to thrive. Please feel free to reach out if you are looking for support. My door is always open! 

End of Year Mass

Yesterday we celebrated the end of the school year as a whole school community. We gathered in the Church for our End of Year Thanksgiving Mass, thanking God for the year that has been. We acknowledged the students, families and staff who will be leaving Sacred Heart Kew this year, moving on to new schools and adventures. Thank you to the staff and families for supporting our students throughout the year. 


To the staff and students leaving:


An Irish Blessing

May the road rise up to meet you

May the wind be always at your back

May the sun shine warm upon your face

The rains fall soft upon your fields

And until we meet again

May God hold you in the palm of his hand


The Leadership Ceremony followed the Mass with the giving and receiving of the light of leadership. Congratulations to our Year 6 students for completing a successful year and we wish our Year 5 students all the best as they begin their leadership journey in 2024.

2024 Year 6 Leaders

Congratulations to all the Year 5 students who applied for leadership roles for 2024. It is with great pleasure that we announce our 2024 Year 6 Leaders:


School Captains

Joel McGrath

Alaia Lieu-Mahdavi


Gold House Captain

Dominic Millane


Green House Captain

Siena Solis


Silver House Captain

Lachlan Farmer


Blue House Captain

Tom Best


Social Justice/Wellbeing Captains

Beatrix Graham

Eden Madhumathy

Huage Zhang


Sustainability Captains

Jack Dunell

Jack Rice


The Arts Captains

Alexandra Schultz

Nadia Phan

Caylee Smith


Library Captains

James Leung

Declan Marshall

Christmas Carols 

A big congratulations to all the students for their beautiful singing at our Christmas Carols last Thursday night. Thank you to our RE Leader, James Millane, for organising the evening and Nativity Play which was led by Year 5/6. A big thank you to the staff who coordinated the performances and supported the students. Thank you to our wonderful community for taking part at our Carols this year. A special thanks to Santa for popping in to say hello to the children.



Thank you for purchasing a jar of honey at the Christmas Carols BBQ. We will now contact Melbourne Zoo to donate the funds to support the life cycle development of the endangered Southern Corroboree Frog (fewer than 50 in the wild). The funds will support work on developing the zoo's captive breeding techniques, improved husbandry and release programs. 

Artwork by Beatrix G (5CB)
Artwork by Beatrix G (5CB)

Christmas Giving Tree

A huge thank you to all our families who have donated to our Christmas Giving Tree in support of St Vinnie's over the past few weeks. Your generosity is very much appreciated. Des Papworth from St Vinnie's has collected the gifts with thanks and gratitude for our community.


School Advisory Council

As you know, the School Advisory Council provides a forum for discussion and discernment, where parent  voice and community perspective are available to inform and support the decisions made by the School Principal and Custodian of Mission for the good of school and parish, where students’ wellbeing and outcomes are paramount. 

School Advisory Council members' primary role is to provide assistance and advice on school matters to support the principal in the context of the MACS governance arrangements. 


If you are interested in being a parent representative on our School Advisory Council next year, please contact Ed Weekes for further details regarding the expression of interest and application process. 


2024 SAC Dates 


Term 1


Tuesday 13 February 7.30pm


Term 2


Tuesday 7 May 7.30pm


Tuesday 11 June 7pm


Term 3


Tuesday 13 August 7.30pm


Term 4


Tuesday 15 October 7pm


AGM - Tuesday 26 November 7.30pm

2024 School Fees 

Please read the document below which outlines School Fees and Student Levies for 2024.