What a year 2023 has been! We have had so much fun and been curious about so many things in STEAM this year. Here are a few of the highlights:


F/1s have learned how to use our senses to explore and understand our world. We understood how light is made and sensed. We used our sense of touch and sight to explore different ways materials can change. We made wonderful paper collage murals for our Art Show. Students noticed changes in our environment and they discovered ways that robots can help us and how to code them. 


2/3s learned about heat and how it transfers from one object to another. They also explored the ways heat changes objects from solids to liquids. Using this knowledge, we had a ball making and cooking with solar ovens. We also had lots of fun using hairdryers to heat and melt crayons for our melted crayon art pieces for the Art Show. We expanded our knowledge of our solar system and used models to explain how the rotation of the Earth creates day and night. Students then became coders and learned how to use block coding to create animations. 


5/6s were challenged to come up with real world solutions to the problems of space travel, leading them to create and code rovers for Mars. They learned about the needs of microorganisms for survival. Students explored all things light and used what they learned to create amazing light installations for our Art Show. They had sugary fun exploring chemical and physical changes through cookie decorating. 


A highlight for the whole school was the visit from DreamCity for Science Week. Students got to experience real world applications of science and had loads of fun at the same time being neonatal nurses, robotics engineers and explored the uses of Virtual Reality. 


I have had so much fun exploring our world with the curious, creative and critical thinking minds of Newlands. I hope you enjoy the little video of our time in STEAM this year. 



Wishing everyone a safe and happy holiday and I look forward to exploring with you all some more in STEAM next year.