Español en casa

Spanish resources to practice at home


During parent-teacher interviews, several of you have inquired about ways to support Spanish learning over the holidays. While we firmly believe that holidays are meant for rest and quality time with family and friends, we also recognize that some students may wish to invest some of their free time in acquiring new skills or mastering existing ones.

We've collected a list of resources for you to explore during the holidays. Please bear in mind that this is entirely optional, and there are no school expectations associated with it.



- Rockalingua:

 It has songs and videos (not all of them are free but many are). Songs and videos come with interactive worksheets (some of which are free).

- Duolingo for schools:

Students can create their user log in for free. They just need an email address to verify the account.

- Raz-Kids:

All students have their own log in details.

- Language International:

This bookstore has a lot of very good readers in Spanish especially written for Spanish learners.

- Videos para practicar español:

- Recursos varios:

- Música para niños en español:

- For the youngest ones: Rosie and Dandy – Spanish for kids:



BOOKS AND FLASHCARDS (Please click on the pdf. document)


I would like to thank all you for your continue support for our bilingual program, enjoy a well deserve holidays.