
Leaders Assembly

Next week Monday 18th December at 9:15am, we will be holding our official 2024 Student Leadership Assembly. This is a symbolic assembly as our 2023 Student Leaders pass on the torch to the successful 2024 Leaders. 2024 Leaders represent the school and it's values, as well as driving improvement for all our our school community.

Year 6 Farewell 

Wednesday 20th December, we say farewell and good luck to all our 2023 Year 6 Graduates. Please join us for a final assembly and a guard of honour to celebrate all of their achievements. 

2024 Soft Start Mornings

Next year, we will be introducing a soft start to the school day. This is to support the well-being of our students by creating a smooth transition to school. Mornings will follow the below time outline:

8.47amMusic will begin
8.50amStudents will begin their school day by entering the classroom and engaging in activities that promote a gradual, calm and positive start to the day. One teacher will be supervising and engaging with students as they enter their classroom, whilst the other teacher will be available for informal check-ins and conversations.
9am A bell will ring and the formal learning time will begin with Circle Time commencing.

We look forward to our students enjoying a more gradual start to their day!

2024 Contributions

2024 will see the introduction of a yearly Mandatory Payment. This has been introduced to further support the school in supplying your child with their stationary needs for the year, as well as other learning tools they use in the classroom.


There are also Voluntary Contributions that we ask parents to make if they are able to. If you are unable to make the full $220 contribution, we appreciate any contribution that you are able to make. You can do this by adjusting the payment amount on Sentral.


Payments will be available to pay via Sentral as of Monday 18th December, 2023. You can view and make payment by viewing the Invoice section on Sentral.

We will also be collecting payments on the Book Pack Day (25th January, 2024) via Eftpos only (please do not bring cash).


Curriculum Contributions – Mandatory

These payments contribute to your child’s environment and provide necessary financial support to your child’s learning resources. This includes stationary, class books, learning tools in the day-to-day classroom.
2024 Book Pack$60.00


Voluntary Curriculum Contributions

These contributions are allocated to purchase curriculum resources including resources for the classroom, lunchtime clubs and F – 2 ICT Devices.
Voluntary Curriculum Contributions$220


Extra-Curricular Items & Activities

Our students attend incursions and excursions throughout the school year. This includes a sleepover and a school camp for our students in 2-6. These charges are provided throughout the year. Students are only able to attend if they have made full payment prior to attending.

Newlands Primary School offers various options to support our families for our 1:1 Notebook program that begins for students Grade 2 and above. This information will be provided separately.

Excursions/Incursions/Camps - Charges distributed throughout the year.$TBC
Grade 3-6 Notebook – Options available upon request.$TBC