Educación Física y Salud

Health and PE 

¡Hola familia de Newlands!


As the school year comes to an end, I am reflecting on a year filled with vibrant physical activity and engagement through our Health and Physical Education (HPE) program. The journey has been one of active learning, improving fundamental movement skills that serve as the gateway to a healthy and well-rounded lifestyle.


In our HPE program, students have not only been introduced to but have also developed fundamental movement skills. These skills lay the foundation for accessing various activities and sports, promoting physical health and overall well-being. Beyond the physical benefits, understanding and mastering these skills positively impact mental health, contributing to a positive and balanced mindset in our students.


Every opportunity to move our bodies and promote healthy habits has been embraced. From the Ride2School Day, Cross Country Carnival, Athletics Carnival, to the Health and PE Day, and a 5-day swimming program, each event has had unique benefits for our children. Participation in these activities not only enhances physical fitness but also instills a sense of belonging among our students.


A highlight of the year was our celebration of the 2023 Women's World Cup through an exhilarating soccer tournament. Students from Grade 2 to 6 actively engaged emotionally and physically, developing teamwork, physical skills, and a passion for the sport. The success of this event, even earning a feature on ABC Radio News (, showcased the positive impact of such initiatives in our school community.


Participation in interschool sport has seen our Grade 4, 5, and 6 students achieve remarkable success. The softball and netball boys/mixed team and the basketball and netball girls’ team were runners-up in their respective competitions—an outstanding achievement.


Furthermore, many students from Grades 4, 5, and 6 excelled at the District level in both Cross Country and Athletics events. A select few even made it to Divisions, demonstrating their commitment, talent, and dedication to their physical pursuits.


The growing awareness of exercise and physical activity in Newlands is palpable, and this is just the beginning. With the promise of a new gymnasium next year, the opportunities for our students to engage in active and healthy lifestyles will only multiply.


We express our heartfelt gratitude to all teachers and staff for their unwavering support of our HPE program. Families, your ongoing support is invaluable in promoting active living and building a foundation for a healthy lifestyle in our students. The benefits of supporting children to stay active extend beyond physical health, positively influencing many other areas of learning.


As we bid farewell to this active and dynamic year, we look forward to the opportunities that the next year will bring. Here's to another year of active learning and a future filled with health, vitality, and success!


Here is a video of the highlights of our year in PE, I hope you enjoy it! 

Thank you for your support and see you next year!


PS: Stay safe and active!


Yours faithfully, 

Raúl – Health and PE Teacher