A final message for 2023

Thanks once again to our generous school community, we have earned $790.00 Scholastic Dollars to spend upgrading our library collection following purchases at the Book Fair!
We are looking forward to sharing this new collection of books with students at the beginning of 2024.
We would also like to thank all the carers who have helped out with literacy activities throughout the year. Along with the classroom teachers and the students, we appreciate your support!
Thank you, too, to Anne Lambert for the time she has volunteered and her efficient management of the Scholastic Book Club for our school this year. Thanks, Anne!
A final request to return any school reading materials (take home books, library books, classroom books) to school so that they can be made ready for 2024. Mrs Galagani is running a competition for the class that returns all outstanding library books by next week, so please check your bookshelves for any that have been missed.
We wish you all a restful and restoring Christmas season, and hope that it includes discovering some great new books or authors over the summer break.
Merry Christmas!
Marnie and Tracey