Education in Faith News

An Invitation: Final Day Christmas Celebration Thursday December 14, 9:00am
On the last day of school we will be holding a Christmas Celebration in hall from 9am.
The Celebration will be an opportunity for the whole school to come together to reflect on the meaning of Christmas story by singing some Christmas songs and sharing a special Christmas story.
We would love you to join us if you are available.
Education in Faith Leader
St Cecilia's Christmas Mass Times and Information
St Cecilia’s families are invited our Christmas Eve Children’s Mass at 5pm in the undercroft of the school. Come along, BYO chair and join in the singing of all our favourite Christmas Carols. Angels and shepherds are welcome too!
We will perform a nativity play during the Mass for the telling of the Christmas story.
We invite our Foundation to Year 2 students to volunteer for roles. (No special costumes are required, just use whatever you have at home.)
For our children in Year 3 and above, we ask that they volunteer as readers during the Mass.
We will be holding a rehearsal in the undercroft at 11am on Christmas Eve for all the children where we will allocate roles and readings.
Please contact our parish Children’s Liturgy leaders Rita Zambruno or Mark Cooray if you would like your children to be involved.
Rita Zambruno
There will also be a 9pm Christmas Vigil Mass on Christmas Eve