Parent's Association - New Members Wanted

“At the end of the day, the most overwhelming key to a child's success
is the positive involvement of parents.”
The St Cecilia's Parents Association is such a vital part of the success of our school community. For it and our school community to continue flourishing we are always seeking new members. The end of this year sees the end of the term for our current office holders who have each provided tremendous service. We are therefore seeking nominations from any parents or carers who would be willing to take on the various positions available within the PA, or who are willing to work alongside the current office holders to facilitate a transition process for particular roles.
If you would like to put yourself forward for any of these roles or even be contacted to find out more about what they involve, please make a submission using the form linked below:
Here is a list of the roles we are accepting nominations for accompanied by a brief description on what they entail:
Co-presidents are responsible for leading the Parents Association, promoting the interests of parents, students and teachers within St Cecilia’s. Co-Presidents meet on a regular basis with the principal with the aim of adopting a programme of activities which promotes the involvement of parents in the operation of St Cecilia’s. This is an integral role of the PA in organising social events, providing support for major school events and fundraising. This role is a two year position which aims to have one co-president stay added each year and one conclude each year, so that there is a continual process of handover and transition in the role.
This year sees Chris Knott stepping down after three years of service in this role. If you are even interested in finding out more about the role you can use the form below to nominate your self or contact Jen McGrath ( ), the continuing Co-president for 2024.
The treasurer is responsible for tracking and reporting on the finances of the Parents Association. They liaise with the school administration staff to manage parents association expenses and revenues.
The secretary is responsible for recording and distributing minutes of Parents Association meetings. They also assist in compiling and organising documentation relating to various events and activities and administer the Parents Association Google Site, where such documentation is stored and accessed from.
Second Hand Uniform Coordinator
The second hand uniform shop provides a great service to our families by helping parents source second hand uniform items for their rapidly growing children. The coordinator helps sort second hand uniform donations and organises one sale each term.
Canteen Coordinator
Our ever-popular school canteen runs on Fridays during Terms Two and Three and provides the students with something warm to eat through the colder winter months. The Canteen Coordinator organises other parent volunteers required on Friday mornings to assist in the preparation and packaging of food for the students. They also coordinate the ordering of stock and processing weekly parent orders which is automated through CDF pay.
Parent Rep. Liaison
Each class has a nominated Parent Representative each year. The Parent Rep. Liaison helps to make sure these roles are filled each year, liaises with the reps to distribute information relating to Parents Association activities and assists in compiling and distributing class contact lists.
Pastoral Care Coordinator
The Pastoral Care Coordinator works with other parent volunteers to provide support to families in our community experiencing hardship or unexpected challenges in their lives. This support may included organising meal rosters, transport to and from school for children for a period of time, donations or gifts for families in need.
Maintenance Coordinator
The maintenance coordinator is responsible for managing and contacting parent volunteers to assist with school working bees and various regular or miscellaneous upkeep tasks.
Fair Coordinator
The Fair Coordinator oversees the fair committee which has responsibility for the planning, organisation and operation of our annual school fair. They work closely with the school principal in planning and coordination of this key school event.
We are looking for volunteers to take on the important role of Class Representative for the 2024 school year. No experience is required. Ideally we would love 2-4 class reps per year level (split across both classes).
Class Representatives
The role of a Class Representative is an easy and fun way to create connections with other parents in your child’s class and your child will love that you are involved in their school life!
What does the Class Representative do?
It is hoped that the Class Rep will organise at least one or two social events for the class each year, ideally once a Term if possible. Class Rep’s will usually organise at least one family event where kids are included and a parents only event.Suggestions of events are: Parents dinner, Family BBQ, Easter Picnic, Mother’s coffee/dinner, Father’s Dinner, Family Movie outing, end of year event.It would be helpful if the Class Rep could set up a WhatsApp group for their Class as this has proved to be a quick and informal way for Class groups to communicate throughout the year. Distribution of class contact lists are also required in the early part of the new school year. Reminders to the parent group regarding upcoming events, charity days, free dress days are also really helpful!
Finally it is expected, that where possible, one of the Class Reps from each year level attend one of the four Parent’s Association meetings held in week 2 of each term to ensure they are up to date with any broader school events and functions.
Term Four
Tuesday 5th December (AGM) (Week 10)
This year we will continue to offer two options for attending these meeting:
- in person
- online