Community Notices 

General, Sporting, High School Transition and general community notices

Writing the Next Chapter Together

With the smallest footprint in the Maribyrnong Library Service, Yarraville Library, located on Wembley Avenue, already boasts close to 3,000 registered library members with more than a third aged between 40 and 65.

With the local population forecast to increase 34% to 21,688 by 2051, the challenge is how the library can continue to meet the needs of a growing community given current size constraints.

To help deliver this next chapter for the Yarraville Library, we’re looking to library lovers and residents to help us understand the things that are important to them and what they would like from their library to inform our future thinking. We're keen to know for example:

  • is the library currently meeting your needs
  • what you love about your local library in Yarraville
  • things you'd like to see that are not currently provided

Share your feedback directly with our library staff, join us for a chat at the Yarraville Farmers Market or complete the short questionnaire at the link below by midnight Friday 15 December 2023.