Library Update

Howdy all,


Some library housekeeping for your enjoyment 😉.


In terms of the last month of library, here's the sitch.


I'm away for the next two weeks (sinus surgery, who knew two weeks of rest was mandated? I might become a skilled wall-climber in those two weeks. Olympics 2024, here I come!)


Sigh. You can see the madness settling in already, eh?


Anyway, classroom teachers will be taking the library session over the next two weeks. 


I'll be back on the 6th of December and that will be the last week the library will be open for 2023. The following week new shelving is being delivered and that week I'll be neck deep in library logistics. 


The following week school finishes on Wednesday.


What does this mean for you? Well, apart from imagining me as the new world champion of wall-climbing (surely that's an Olympic category?), ALL books will need to be returned no later than the 9th of December.


That means that the last week of library with me is a reading and returning session, not a borrowing session. I'll send a Compass reminder to all families on Tuesday the 5th of Dec and hopefully the automated email system is back on board so you'll know what books your kids need to bring back. 


I think that's enough for now, don't you? I can feel heads nodding vigourously...


See you all in a couple of weeks,


Kim 🙂