Message from the Principal Team

150 Years Anniversary Assembly and Morning Tea

Thank you to everyone from our school community who was able to attend our 150 years Anniversary Assembly and Morning Tea on Monday. It was fantastic to have special guests, including Secretary for the Department of Education, Jenny Atta, Member for Brunswick, Dr Tim Read and past Principal Graham Stevenson. Zaineb and Archer did a wonderful job as hosts. We also had a large number of past students attend the event and spend a long amount of time sharing memories and reminiscing through photos. It was lovely to hear their stories and gain a more thorough insight into our school’s history.


A huge thank you to our Office Administration Team Gaby Shortis, Trish Harrington and Sarah Morgan who have put in a massive amount of work to make the day such a special event. Thank you also to Dina Kambardis who has spent an immense amount of time sorting and collating the many photographs and artefacts.


We would also like to thank parents Kylie Lee, Louisa Emslie, Marianne Trinder, Erin Tibbitts and Michelle Cecchin for contributing to the catering for the morning tea (and thank you to anyone we may have missed).


Harvesting the Edible Indigenous Garden

Last Friday, Marnie Pascoe, Mary D’Cruz, Matt, Charlee, Heidi and Jimmy from 34S harvested berries from the saltbush. Over the weekend Kylie Lee turned those saltbush berries into saltbush berry and strawberry jam. This jam was then presented at our 150 Anniversary Morning Tea along with freshly made scones and jam. Thanks, team for a delicious treat made from produce from our edible indigenous garden.

150 Years Dress Up Day Tomorrow 

(anything from the past, choose a decade, use what you have at home)

Tomorrow we are encouraging all students and staff to dress up for another celebration of our school's 150 Years Anniversary. We are asking students and staff to pick anything from the past to wear - choose a decade and please use what you have at home. This day is similar to the Year 1/2 Olden Days dress up earlier this year.


Whole School Concert Wednesday 6 December

On Wednesday 6 December, we will be conducting a whole school concert from 3:40-4:40pm after school. During Term 4 all classes have been preparing a performance item for the concert in Performing Arts. Each class has been allocated a decade and we will be performing through time and the decades. The concert will be held in our traditional outdoor assembly area and families are encouraged to bring along a picnic rug and afternoon tea to enjoy our class performances. Please note this is a low key concert providing another opportunity for our students to showcase their learning with their families; there are no costume requirements for this event.


2024 Foundation Transition Sessions 

On Tuesday all of our 2024 Foundation students attended their final transition session in readiness for commencing school next year. During the session, their parents and carers attended an Information Session in the Library about all the important information they need to know regarding their child starting school next year. Thank you to Catherine Doggett who spoke to the parents about how they can actively participate in our school community including volunteering for the 2024 Fete. Gero and David from Team Kids also attended to provide information about Before, After and Vacation Care.


Staff Update

Congratulations to Isabella Mammoliti who has accepted a position at Princes Hill Primary School teaching Italian. Isabelle has played a significant role in our school community since commencing in April 2012. She will be sorely missed however, we are sure that the Princes Hill Primary School community will embrace her as a welcomed member of their school community.


We are saddened to share that Emily Razay will be concluding her time at CNPS this year. Emily has recently become certified as a Humanistic Play Therapist and Interplay Practitioner. In 2024 Emily will be exploring this exciting new career opportunity while also working as a casual relief teacher. We are sure that we will be seeing her around at CNPS next year.


Principal Team

Rachel Corben and Jane Bilby