
Important Dates- Term 4

Friday 24 November - Fete meeting 8am at school. All welcome

Friday 24 November - Olden Days Dress Up- dress up in any decade over the last 150 years

Monday 27 November - Friday 8 December (no Wednesdays) - Swimming Program Years F-4

Wednesday 6 December - Whole School Concert 3.40pm

Thursday 7 December - International Day of People with a Disability

Tuesday 12 December and Monday 18 December - Whole School Transition

Monday 18 December at 9.15am- Year 6 Graduation Assembly (this is a new date)

Tuesday 19 December (after school - time TBC)  - Year 6 Graduation 

Wednesday 20 December - Last Day of School 1.30pm finish

2024  Dates

Wednesday 31 January- First day of School for Years 1-6

Thursday 8 February - First Day of School for Foundation students

Sunday 3 March - The Great Lee St Fete

Fete Meeting Tomorrow at school at 8am. All Welcome!!

We will be having a fete meeing tomorrow morning (Friday) at 8am. It will be at school under the trees. Everyone is welcome including kids! The fete is on early next year, 3rd March. There is no pressure, it is just great to have as many hands on deck as we can. The more the merrier!

Cookbook donations for the Fete

From tomorrow, 24 Nov, we are accepting cookbook donations to sell at next year's fete (only cookbooks at this stage please) – please put them on the trestle tables that will be set up in the corridor near lost property area. 

International Day of People with a Disability

On Thursday 7 December, CNPS will be celebrating International Day of People with a  Disability. 

This will include some talks and some movies shown in class to get us all reflecting and thinking about how inclusion can work in our every day.




Unpaid Events and Curriculum Contributions


Thank you to those families who have paid for all camps and activities for their child, or made alternative arrangements.


A reminder to please check Compass for any unpaid events. We would appreciate timely payment of all outstanding events, as these are invoiced on a user-pays basis.

Statements will also be sent out soon as a separate reminder.


Additionally, if you have not yet made a curriculum contribution for your child’s stationery this year, we would appreciate your consideration of this. The school ensures students are provided with all the items they require in the classroom to facilitate learning. We get these items at a reduced cost for purchasing in bulk, however it is still a large outgoing, so if you have not yet paid a contribution for this and would consider doing so, please see your Compass portal for details, or contact the office.


Thank you for your understanding.