A note from Mr Jackson

Playground Art Gallery

On the weekend, we welcomed the installation of the ‘Finding Our Heart’ Story Walk project. This project is being brought to you by the Monty First Nations Allies, a community group of Primary school families from across Montmorency and Eltham with a passion for learning about First Nations culture and history.  The text celebrated in the project, was recently read by students during NAIDOC Week. It was written by Thomas Mayo, a Kaurareg Aboriginal and Kalkalgal, Erubamle Torres Strait Islander man. We invite our families to meander through the panels and learn a little of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures. The exhibition will be here for two weeks before moving onto other schools.


NAPLAN Student Results

Over the last few weeks we have distributed the NAPLAN results for students in Years 3 and 5. Any student reports that are not collected have been placed on file and can be requested at the office.


We are thrilled to celebrate that the emphasis on numeracy over the past few years has seen improvement in both year levels. We continue to outperform similar schools in Reading both in Year 3 and Year 5. With the adoption of new proficiency scales this year, student growth data is not available, but will be available in another two years. Staff are currently using the data to target teaching to the needs of students in response to the data.


Dogs in the Yard

A reminder that all visitors are required to ensure that dogs are on a leash and supervised by their owner while onsite. Arrival and departure times are busy periods at the school and the behaviour of children is often unpredictable. I encourage owners of dogs to stay away from the entry and exits of the school to enable students to pass freely and confidently through. 


ICAS English

The English ICAS Assessment is scheduled for Monday. These assessments are opportunities for students to challenge themselves in a formal setting. Those who have registered will be supervised as they complete the assessment and will receive their results once the testing period has been completed.


Book Fair Thanks

Books, words and stories lie at the heart of learning. A special thanks for all the volunteers, parents and teachers, who brought together the 2023 Book Fair. Over $5 500 worth of books were purchased! Profits from these purchases will contribute to the further purchase of books for the school. We know that many have enjoyed the crisp new pages and the stories that have been shared.


Working Bee 26 August – For Your Diary

We are eager to invite families and workers to join us on Saturday 26 August between 9:00am and 12 noon to help with our yard cleanup. Of particular focus will be the renewed effort to plant out the embankment in front of the lower building, outside the Prep learning area. Along with general cleaning of the site, we are hopeful of also finalising the 3/4 area garden that has been under construction for an extended period. A special thanks to Bunnings today, for enabling a significant discount in the purchase of two raised garden beds to help complete the space. Consider staying on for the BBQ!