
Vermont Secondary College


Showing something of the Inner Self

Risley 7H1 

Made on A3 multimedia paper.” This is a painting of the concepts that represent me, I used a variety of objects to help me express my emotions, I was greatly inspired by the darkness and its hidden mysteries. I set up a portrait of myself on the computer, I planned out the portrait first with pencil, then moved on to colour in with water colour, I put two layers onto the black to make it more solid, I painted it as a head-on portrait, I tried to use the white spaces in the black kind of like thought bubbles or floating objects, the black in the background was gouache water colour, the weird hexagon made of smaller hexagons had a red splatter on the side of it, I used a semi-transparent coat of red water colour and made it more solid towards the end of the splatter, sadly I did not end up being able to use acrylic paint, I also used a minimal amount of oil pastel. I liked the way the bubbles turned out, although the face was a bit weird, the “thing” on the laptop turned out well, and the inverted space at the top of the portrait was also good, I like hexagons because they fit perfectly in with each other. 

Chern 7H1 

This my semi-realistic drawing of myself reading a book. I was inspired by my hobby, reading, which lead me to make my painting about me reading one of my favourite books.  

I put the background of myself as dark and bleak to contrast the bright, lively colours coming out of the book. I also made the book bright red and in the centre of the page to draw attention to it instead of me.  

I first used a photo of myself with a book in front of my face as a reference point. I used acrylic paint for the book as I needed a very thick, opaque layer as a base, and water colour for everything else.  I then put white posca on for the title of the book so that it would stand out.    

I like the book and the splash of colour at the bottom as it looks nice and colourful, and draws the eye and provides a contrast to the bleak background behind. The reddish pool can be interpretated however you want it to be, whether you want it to be a pool of blood, as the book I’m reading is about murder, or something else. Next time, I would make the background a bit more defined instead of just a dull grey-ish wall. I originally wanted to make a cloud hang over my head to show that I was in a bad mood, but I used water colour to try and paint the cloud and it turned into a blob that I spread out to make into a wall.  

Evelyn  7H1 

  This is my portrait of my representation of myself, which shows me as a person and the things I like as well. I was inspired by the representations of other people’s paintings as well as my own imagination, which further helped in creating the final artwork. 

I used a thick outline around myself to highlight me rather than the background. I used variety of different thickness and shapes to create the background, hinting about some of my passions as well as a personality trait, often showing I think about a lot of things, but I am also very disorganised. The main theme of the artwork is yellow and orange, because they are my favourite colours as well as representing me, usually pretty happy overall.  

I used my reference photo to first pick the pose of the image, using a water-soluble pencil to dissolve the edges and going over that with a thick outline of an oil pastel. Once I dissolved that and let it dry, I mainly used acrylic and watercolour to add the details on my body, as well as using a marker to finally outline myself. For the background, I mainly used an alcohol marker to get all the little doodles in, as well as a water-soluble pencil to create the circles.  

I enjoyed making my painting as well as how it turned out, and I’m pretty happy that I managed to get all of it done in time. If I had more time, I would work on the face as it was a bit boring. Overall, I had fun and I’m pretty proud of myself!

Zane  7H3 

SPOODER-MAN, 2023, (paper size A3) 

This is SPOODER-MAN which is my version of Spider-Man. I was inspired by the pose, and Spider-Man is one of my favourite characters. When I first did the pose, I realised it looked like Spider-Man. 

To start off I got in my pose and got my friend to take a photo of me. Afterwards, I traced the photo onto the piece of paper with my grey-lead. Once I did that I put on a base layer of watercolour to the drawing and a blue background to the drawing. And later I put the shading and skin colour and detailed my hair. Then I finished it off my drawing my eyes. 

Overall, I really like the way the drawing turned out and next time I will be more careful when I am shading around the eyes. 


Amy 7S1 

My art piece was a Self-portrait. It had Water colour with oil pastels, chalk and acrylic paint. I was inspired by the fantasy books I read because I love reading and chose to add it to my portrait that expresses myself. I used tone to make it look 3D. I was also inspired by my love of animals, so I drew wolf ears. I used a variety of different objects and shapes.  I did a portrait of myself with my best friends in the background and my dig as I love him. I have drawn netball eyes and cricket eyebrows because I love playing those sports. I have wolf/dog ears because I love animals. I don’t really liked the way my painting turned out but I’m proud of it.  its looks cool from my perspective.   

Daanihal  7S1 

My art piece was made from my immature part of my brain. The show that helped me design my portrait was my favourite childhood cartoon called 'Loud House'. I took the photo of myself and recreated it with a character design of Lynn Loud. I was quite happy with my piece until I accidentally darkened the face a bit too much, but I am still incredibly happy with the turn out. 

I used many different tools to create my art piece. Every different tool gave a fresh look eg. the water colours gave a gradient background and a volume to the art. I also used oil pastels and chalk to create depth and texture. With the other things I've added  in my portrait include my two dogs Gudi and Jaxon. They mean the world to me and they are a part of who I am. I have also included many leaves and flowers as I love nature. 

My art piece was fun to create but I've had many troubles on creating this perfect skin tone, while creating it, I accidentally spilt some dirty water from the water colours onto my piece so unfortunately I turned it into two yellow paint splodges on the face as I also like art and always seem to create a mess .

Overall I am quite happy with the turn out of my artwork and I'm grateful to my friend Amy for helping me sort out what I should do.