Year 7 News  

Vermont Secondary College

Year 7 Student Managers’ Report

Can you believe that we are nearly three quarters of the way through the academic school year and Year 7s are much closer to being Year 8s? 

As Term Three comes to a close, Cycle 3 reports and Parent-Teacher Student Conferences (Thursday September 14) are nearly upon us. Please monitor COMPASS for opportunities to read reports and book in to see classroom teachers.

Remember, that any grade reporting represents one task capturing a moment in time in a particular subject, whether good or not-so-good. Our grades don’t define us and all students’ best efforts deserve acknowledgement. It is important to be resilient and keep striving to learn and do our best, looking forward, not back. We are more likely to enjoy learning when we are free to make mistakes and learn from them, as we continue to focus on skill development. So students, celebrate the wins, and shake off the disappointments.

Thank you to parents and students for continuing to uphold the uniform code. We are pleased to have a very high level of compliance from students wearing the correct school uniform each day.


Sometimes our Year 7s join other students to represent the school. A big thank you to Year 7 Hotham student Zoey, who has reported on some musical events below.

The Year 7 Student Managers.


Zoey’s Music Report

This year, the VSC Senior Strings Orchestra were invited to perform as part of the Victorian Schools Music Festival held at the Hawthorn Town Hall. This event took place on the 28th of July, at Hawthorn Town Hall. We performed 3 pieces, Woodland Scene, Hero’s Homecoming and Celtic Air and Dance. We had lots of fun and were awarded gold.