Middle School

Upcoming Activities
Wednesday 16 August
My Duke of Edinburgh - volunteering, selected Year 9 students
MyCity walking tours
MyPhoto ACMI excursion
Friday 18 August
National Day of Action Against Bullying & Violence
Tuesday 22 August
Year 9 'Wear It Purple' guest speaker, period 3
Wednesday 23 August
My Duke of Edinburgh - volunteering, selected Year 9 students
Friday 25 August
Wear It Purple Day - Breakfast Club, 8am - 8.45am
Monday 28 August
Zoo work experience applications due at DSC Careers
Tuesday 29 August
Victorian Schools Music Festival, Wind Symphony
World Challenge Nepal Trivia Night, 6pm in the Senior Centre (Book your ticket here: https://www.trybooking.com/CJIQW)
Wednesday 30 August
Victorian Schools Music Festival, Concert Band
My Duke of Edinburgh - volunteering, selected Year 9 students
MyFuture Box Hill Institute excursion
MyCity Zoo excursion
Body Kind Month
Wednesday 6 September
My Duke of Edinburgh - volunteering, selected Year 9 students
MyFuture Zero95 excursion
MyCity MCG excursion
Thursday 7 September
Student Led Conferences, via MS Teams (remote)
Monday 11 September
Courage to Care presentation
Tuesday 12 September
International Student Forum - Student Voice program
Wednesday 13 September
My Duke of Edinburgh - volunteering, selected Year 9 students
MyCity Eureka excursion
Thursday 14 September
R U Ok Day
Friday 15 September
Last day of Term 3
Wear It Purple Presentation
Tuesday 22nd August
The Aim of Wear It Purple Day is to help build our community with empathy and inspire the creation of an inclusive and positive space. Specifically, this day encourages and acknowledges the importance of allyship and support for the LGBTQIA+ community.
What is an ally? An ally is someone who supports and advocates for the equal treatment of a community other than their own.
Our Student Representative Council has partnered with Cisco ANZ to develop a program of events to celebrate Wear It Purple Day across our school. At Year 9, there will be a two-part presentation focusing on the importance of inclusion and allyship:
- A speaker from Cisco will explore their company’s aims to prepare the next generation on importance of diversity and inclusion, and the values and behaviours corporations look for in recruiting.
- Speakers from the LGBTQIA community will present on their experiences of being a part of the Melbourne Rovers Soccer Club and how allyship has been important in creating a safe and inclusive space for them.
We look forward to seeing our students engage and extend their understanding of empathy to help build a more cohesive community.
Courage to Care Presentation
Monday 11th September
An ‘Upstander’ is an individual who sees wrong and acts, and who takes a stand against an act of injustice or intolerance.
The Courage to Care program educates young people about the dangers of racism, prejudice, discrimination and bystander behaviour. An example of complicit bystander behaviour is the Holocaust.
Presented by a survivor of this trauma who is also an experienced and trained facilitator, students are provided with tools to develop more empathetic responses, and the language to advocate upstander behaviour.
Zoos Victoria Work Experience Program 2024
If you are interested in completing your Year 10 Work Experience at the Zoo - this one is for you! Zoos Victoria is offering a limited number of positions at their 2024 Secondary School Work Experience program. Applications are open now!
To apply, DSC students must:
- Choose one property to complete work experience placement:
Healesville Sanctuary, Melbourne Zoo, Kyabram Fauna Park OR Werribee Open Range Zoo - Complete a corresponding cover letter detailing how they meet the criteria listed in the property Role Descriptions
Healesville Sanctuary Role Description
Melbourne Zoo Role Description
Kyabram Fauna Park Role Description
Werribee Open Range Zoo Role Description - Complete the Work Experience with Animals Form
Work Experience with Animals Form - Submit their application to the DSC Careers Centre for consideration by 3.30pm on Mon 28 August.