Junior School

Upcoming Activities
Wednesday 16 August
Interschool Sport Training, Lunchtime @ The Stadium - Year 7 Handball, Year 8 Volleyball
Friday 18 August
National Day of Action Against Bullying & Violence
Victorian High Ability Program, selected Year 7 students
Interschool Sport Training, Lunchtime @ David Perry - Year 8 Table Tennis
Thursday 24 August
Year 8 Sport - Table Tennis & Volleyball
Friday 25 August
Wear It Purple Day - Breakfast Club, 8am - 8.45am
Task 3 of the Junior School Family Maths Challenge due
Victorian High Ability Program, selected Year 7 students
Tuesday 29 August
Victorian Schools Music Festival, Wind Symphony
World Challenge Nepal Trivia Night, 6pm in the Senior Centre (Book your ticket here: https://www.trybooking.com/CJIQW)
Wednesday 30 August
Victorian Schools Music Festival, Concert Band
Body Kind Month
Friday 1 September
Victorian High Ability Program, selected Year 7 students
Thursday 7 September
Student Led Conferences, via MS Teams (remote)
Friday 8 September
Victorian High Ability Program, selected Year 7 students
Tuesday 12 September
International Student Forum - Student Voice program
Thursday 14 September
R U Ok Day
Friday 15 September
Last day of Term 3
After-School Learning Catch Up Sessions
Our 5R Classroom Management Model involves reminding students to stay on task, refocusing students on the expectations to be productive and relocating students away from distractions.
Students are removed from the learning space on the rare occasions that a reminder, refocus and relocation hasn't resulted in appropriate on-task behaviour. When a removal occurs students are expected to attend a Learning Catch-up session to ensure they complete any work missed because of their removal from the classroom.
From this week onwards, any student who is removed from a class will have an Afterschool Learning Catch Up session on Thursdays from 3:20 pm – 4:00 pm. This is the ensure students have enough time to complete missed work properly and to have support from the Junior School on how to manage themselves in the classroom.
We are confident that this change will have better outcomes for students who are removed from class, but obviously, for most students, this will not affect them as they display appropriate learning behaviours and maximising learning growth.
Drew Hanna and Ty Dennis
Junior School Positive Climate for Learning Leaders
Junior School Family Maths Challenge
The Junior School Family Maths Challenge #3 is now available!
Entries are due date is 25th August. Submit your entry via the Junior School Family Maths Challenge submission box at the Junior School Office.