Parents & Friends

Upcoming events and more from the P&F

P&F Update


$26,650 raised towards our Ninja Playground – we’re nearly there!

Our fundraising target of $30,000 for a Ninja Playground is our most ambitious target EVER! To achieve this goal, the P&F Committee organised a higher than usual number of fundraising events in 2023.

Why a Ninja Playground? Some of our existing play equipment is showing signs of wear and tear. In addition, a Ninja Playground promotes gross motor skills and ‘adventurous play’, which builds children’s resilience, self-confidence, and risk-assessment abilities.

Glowtastic Disco Wrap-up

Thank you so much to our school community for supporting the Glowtastic Disco fundraising event last month; we hope the children are enjoying their well-earned prizes. A big thank you to Kat Di Rago, Nicole Tilley and Emily Woodhams who spent several hours labelling, packing and distributing the prizes last week.   

The disco raised $8,270 total which is a fantastic effort! Congratulations to the following students who were our top fundraisers:

1.            Jaxson Godfrey (1/2 T) - $501

2.            Alice Wall (3/4 L) & Xander Wallis (Prep Jess) - $341 each!

3.            Gabrielle Miguel (5/6 M) - $335

Father’s Day Wrap-up

It was lovely to see so many Dads, Step-dads, Grandfathers, and other special men at our Father’s Day Breakfast this year. Thank you to Kat Di Rago and the dedicated team of volunteers that made this event possible. The children took great joy in choosing the perfect gift for you at the Father’s Day Stall – a massive thank you to Karen Costello-Manning and the stall volunteers for running the stall.

  • Father’s Day Breakfast – social event, tickets were priced to cover costs (no profit).
  • Father’s Day Stall - $2,449.65 profit.

2023 P&F Fundraising and Social Events Survey Results

We are so grateful to the 92 people who took the time to share their thoughts by completing our Fundraising and Social Events Survey. The P&F Committee spends hundreds of hours every year volunteering for the school behind the scenes to make this community such a special place for all our kids. The survey results will be used to inform our activities for 2024, to ensure that our efforts get the best return on investment for the school and our fellow Holy Spirit families.

Summary of results

  • The most popular P&F events were Food Days, Mother’s Day/Father’s Day Stalls and the Colour Run.
  • Multiple parents expressed interest in more Food Days and/or lunch orders.
  • 71% of parents want fewer fundraising events. The most common reason for this was that there was too much to remember (35%), followed by concerns about cost (30%). 
  • 53% of parents said they would not support a fundraising levy and 22% were undecided.
  • 67% of parents are happy with the current amount and type of social events.
  • About a third of parents said they have volunteered at least once this year for a P&F event. Most parents don’t volunteer due to work commitments or care-giving commitments.
  • Some parents found the volume of P&F communication overwhelming and requested a more streamlined approach.
  • Some parents gave feedback on activities which are not run by the P&F, such as the Art Show and the Fete.

As a direct result of your feedback, the P&F Committee has made the following commitments:

  1. We will run fewer fundraising events in 2024 and make a clearer distinction between fundraising events and social events.
  2. We will streamline communication through Class Dojo with one weekly ‘Upcoming events’ post from P&F.
  3. A P&F Fundraising and Event Calendar will be shared at the start of each Term, to assist parents in budgeting and planning.
  4. We will investigate the option of increased Food Days and/or lunch orders. (Subject to adequate numbers of volunteers.)

The P&F Committee cannot continue to run the events you know and love without the support of parents. As the number of volunteers continues to dwindle, so does our ability to host some of your favourite events. 

  • Each Food Day requires a minimum of 8 volunteers for 3hrs.
  • Father’s Day/Mother’s Day breakfasts (new format) require a minimum of 6 volunteers. The previous format for Father’s Day breakfast took a team of 20 volunteers, both prepping the day prior and cooking and serving from 5.00am on the day of the event. Mother’s Day breakfast was never held prior to 2023 due to insufficient volunteers.
  • Whole school activities such as Movie Night, Colour Run and Discos take at least 20 volunteers to run.

In Term 4, the P&F will be launching a new group called ‘P&F Helping Hands’ for parents who are willing to volunteer a small amount of time occasionally to help where needed. There will be no obligation to help EVERY time (and no meetings to attend!), just the option to help if you can spare an hour or two. If you are interested in being a part of the P&F Helping Hands group, please email or talk to any of the P&F Committee members.

Dads’ night – Thur 14th September

Join Duncan for a drink TONIGHT at the Croydon Hotel Sports Bar from 7pm. Drinks at bar prices.

Back to School Coffee Van 8am – 9.30am Tues 3rd October

The Coffee Van will be back on Tues 3rd October. P&F are shouting parents and teachers a free coffee to welcome you back to school and thank you for all your support. The van will be outside the library, we hope to see you there!