NAPLAN results exceed national and state averages

At the beginning of term, parents of students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 received their child’s NAPLAN reports, which this year are following a brand-new structure with four proficiency standards: Exceeding, Strong, Developing and Needs Further Support. While the initial results seemed pleasing, we have been eagerly awaiting state and national data that would enable us to perform a more detailed analysis. Having now received this important information, it brings me great pleasure to share a more in-depth view of our students’ results with you.


On first glance, we were delighted to see that Girton’s average results exceeded both the state and national averages across all study areas and year levels, as depicted in the figure below. This is particularly pleasing in light of the fact that this year’s new measurement scale has set the proficiency standards at a higher level than previous years. It is also reassuring after seeing the recent media coverage showing that almost one-third of Australian students did not meet the expected standards under the new NAPLAN benchmarks.

Girton Grammar School 2023 NAPLAN average compared to state and national averages


Diving deeper into the data, we can see that Girton’s median scores across all testing areas were higher than the averages recorded by students in metropolitan Victoria, which was the highest-scoring subgroup within the state. Victoria itself led the nation on average testing scores, ranking first or second in 16 of the 20 total NAPLAN testing areas. Having our students fare so favourably in comparison to the highest performing group of students in the highest performing state is a remarkable achievement, cementing Girton’s reputation as a benchmark for excellence in regional education. While the new measurement scale means we cannot measure our performance this year against previous years, we look forward to reviewing our progress in next year’s NAPLAN testing.


There has been much debate about the merits of NAPLAN testing over recent years, and we acknowledge the results provide only a brief snapshot of our students’ overall performance. Indeed, we also recognise that academic results are only one aspect of striving for excellence, which we aim to instil in all our students. However, as a national testing scheme, NAPLAN provides us with an important opportunity to see how our students and School are tracking, which we can use as a means of evaluating our learning programs and identifying areas for improvement.


I’d like to congratulate both our students and staff – these exceptional results are a true testament to their dedication. I would also like to extend a heartfelt thanks to our parent community for the support you have provided to your children and our School throughout the testing process. 


Jay Weston

Deputy Principal