Girton Student Wellbeing

R U OK? Day

R U OK? Day will soon be upon us in Week 9 of Term 3.


R U OK? Day is about empowering and inspiring people to have meaningful conversations about struggles and hardships that they may be going through. It is held annually in September and is designed to raise awareness about mental health issues. R U OK? is a not-for-profit suicide prevention organisation that was founded by Gavin Larkin in 2009.


This year on Tuesday 12 September, we will be having an extended lunch to recognise R U OK? Day.


GCAG, the student delegate council, and 65 Wattle will be running a Year 12 student versus staff netball game at lunchtime in the gym. Come along and cheer on your chosen team!


Free ice-cream sundaes will also be available out the front of the gym. In addition, R U OK? Day wristbands and lolly bags will be for sale at $1 each.


We are looking forward to seeing you there.


R U OK? Day is about connecting with others, checking in, taking notice and being there for those who need a friend. So next week, don’t forget to ask R U OK?


Jacob Markoff (8 Frew) on behalf of GCAG

'Do it for Dolly' Day basketball game

Last term, GCAG hosted a teachers versus Year 12 students basketball match to raise funds for ‘Do it for Dolly’ Day. 


Do it for Dolly is a non-profit organisation that raises awareness and creates resources to combat school and youth bullying. All senior students were invited to spectate and could wear the PE uniform in exchange for a gold coin donation.


The big game was held during lunchtime, and it was wild, with the capacity crowd roaring and high competitiveness on the court. The Year 12s were in proud spirit and shot the first few goals with high energy and fancy footwork. However, the teachers soon dominated the court with their amazing defence, teamwork and multiple three-pointers. 


Mr McConville was the star of the game, wowing the crowd with his goal-shooting prowess, and was the player to score the most goals on the day. Mrs Weston, the only female participant, also made a mark on the game, scoring an impressive final goal just seconds before the bell rang.


The final scores were: staff 32 to students 20.


Congratulations and thanks go to all the student and teacher players for your participation, good sportsmanship, and the opportunity to raise funds and awareness around an important issue.


GCAG looks forward to hosting the next student versus teacher challenge: the netball match in Week 9 for Mental Health Week and R U OK? Day.


Remi Doolan (10 Riley) and Hayley Couch (10 Riley) on behalf of GCAG

Busting the Myths of Fatherhood

Based on our Facebook audience response, Happy Families Dads are already 'Gentleman Dadding' like pros in these eight ways:

Are any of these tips prompting ideas for improvement? Check out Dr Justin's article Busting the Myths of Fatherhood for more 'dadding' ideas. Read more here:


Happy Families

Raising Teens

In the trenches with raising teens? It's tough, right? Some might even say tougher than EVER. No other generation of parents has had to deal with mobile phones, internet gaming, social media ... The odds are stacked against us.


But at Happy Families we're leaning on our retro 90s roots to get us through 21st century teenage angst.


Parenting teens is like a 90s playlist. Wild transitions, raw angst, and unexpected moments of reverberating depth.


The trick is that you have to know how to stay in tune, and keep up with the tempo. Don't stress. We've got just the thing to help.


Introducing the latest (and arguably the greatest) Happy Families Summit... 


You'll go backstage with Dr Justin and ten of the world's biggest 'raising teens' rockstars like Rebecca Sparrow, Laurence Steinberg and Amy Morin.


They'll be jamming out to everything teen-related including mental health, social media, understanding the teenage brain, and more. 

This is set to be our biggest summit EVER, so get in while early bird tickets are still available. 


Happy Families



Dr Justin Coulson

Happy Families