Out and About the School

Father's Day BBQ Breakfast and Gift Stall
Thank you to the P&F who will once again be holding the Father's Day Stall here at school. All gifts are $5.00. If students would like to purchase a gift they will need to bring $5.00 on the day.
If anyone would be able to donate eggs for our BBQ breakfast, that will be gratefully appreciated.
School Magazine 2023 Advertising
We are looking for expressions of interest for local businesses to advertise in our 2023 School Magazine. Available are 14 x 1/4 page ($250) and 7 x 1/2 page ($400) Ads.
If you are interested in advertising your business please complete the below form. Feel free to share, if you know of any businesses who would like to contribute.
School Fees
School fees are now Overdue. School fees can now be paid on the Compass App, BPay, or Eftpos at the office.
Our school has transitioned to a new finance system. This change includes new ways in which you can make payments to the school, including Bpay, CompassPay and EFTPOS. Current direct debit options will still be available for a limited time. Our current school bank account will be closing and therefore we will be asking parents to make payments to the school via one of these new functionalities.
You can easily set up regular payments from your bank account to the new school bpay account (in place of your old direct debit). Contact the office for your BPay details.
You can also make payments for School Fees and Events via the Compass App.
It is essential that we have a valid email address for each parent making payments.
Job Opportunities