Religion and Parish News

A Child’s Prayer for Morning
Now, before I run to play,
Let me not forget to pray
To God who kept me through the night
And woke me with the morning light.
Help me, Lord, to love you more
Than I ever loved before,
In my work and in my play
Be with me throughout the day.
2023 St Joseph’s Parish Sacramental Dates:
First Reconciliation - 6pm, Tuesday 19th September, 2023 at St Joseph’s Church
Parent Night - Thursday 24th August, 6pm, at St Joseph’s Church (Week 6, Term 3).
Rite of Enrolment - Saturday 26th August (6pm) OR Sunday 27th August (8:30pm), at St Joseph’s Church
Retreat Day - Tuesday 19th September, St Xavier’s Primary School (Week 10, Term 3)
2023 Sacrament of First Eucharist
On Sunday, parishioners of St Joseph’s Parish witnessed 36 candidates (33 from St Xavier’s and 3 from Gunnedah South Primary School) make their First Eucharist. Fr Abmar celebrated the Sacramental Mass and delivered a touching homily centred around the sacredness of Holy Communion. Fr Abmar also commented on the preparedness of the candidates; a credit to the hard work of the Year 3 teachers, Meghan Jaeger and Sarah Hamparsum. I would also like to thank Ben Hennessy and Tristan Grima for cooking the BBQ on the Retreat Day, Kath Jacobs for playing the organ at Mass, Bec Gander for volunteering to do a reading and for the St Xavier’s Leadership Team who assisted with various roles to make the Mass come together. Of course, we must also thank Fr Abmar for his constant support and guidance of the students and staff of St Xavier’s.
Class Mission Money
We would like to encourage your child to continue their wonderful almsgiving towards their class’ Mission Box. As you know, we have two major fundraising periods throughout the year - Lent (Project Compassion) and Mission Week (October). Outside of these periods, your child can still make donations to their class’ Mission Box, which are collected on a regular basis. If your child is unsure where their class’ Mission Box is, please encourage them to ask their teacher in order to show preferential option for the poor.
Altar Serving for St Joseph’s Parish
As we approach the First Eucharist Mass for another year, we’re now calling for any Catholic students who have made their Sacrament of First Eucharist and who would be interested in becoming an Altar Server for our Parish, to register their interest. This can be done by emailing Mal Frend at or leaving a message with the St Xavier’s admin staff on (02) 6742 1136.
St Vincent de Paul Visit
Next week, Year 3 will be visited by Armidale St Vincent de Paul Coordinator, Cassie Croft. This will coincide with what the class is currently learning about in their RE lessons, specifically the works of saints.
Following this visit, Year 3 will liaise with our local Vinnies branch to find out more about the local need and to see how St Xavier’s can assist with meeting that particular need. You may remember the tremendous fundraising effort we made with our ‘Pyjama and Bed Hair Day’ where we raised approximately $500 to put towards food vouchers and new blankets for Gunnedah’s Vinnies branch. I wonder what we can do this year?
Parish News
Altar Server Roster for August:
Saturday 26th August (6pm): Katie & Josh Spinks,
Sunday 27th August (8:30am): Hannah Redfern
To read about what’s happening in our parish, please visit this link to read the Parish Bulletin for the week starting Sunday 20th August.