Year 2 Report

Mrs Tasevski & Miss Mihocic

Reading, Writing and FLI: 

The Year 2’s had a big question to answer in our Faith Life Inquiry unit this term. How will they make their mark in history? The discussions were rich and through the exploration of past and present, students showed an interest in the life stories of inspirational people. We had Nonna Lina visit! They read many unique biographies such as the Big Dreams, Little people stories, Anh Do’s incredible journey to Australia, Carlo Accutis, Rohld Dahl, the Pope and many more. With this passion for making a difference and listening to the stories of what others have achieved in their life, the students started to create their own line of questions to ask our local parishioners. 

We threw our parishioners a delicious morning tea thanks to all of our families, and listened intently as they shared their life stories. The students were hooked on every word and felt such ownership over their learning as they asked their own questions. We have now taken all of our learning and turned our interviews into biographies! Recounting our parishioners' life stories, with a focus on using our writer’s voice and reaching out to our readers. We are very excited to share them!








The introduction of our Writer’s Notebook was one of the students favourite things! Every Friday they create their own stories, poems, advertisements, letters and more, on any topic that they choose. This free writing experience allowed creativity to shine whilst also applying their writing skills independently. You should see the amazing word choices and powerful punctuation that they used! 











This term the Year 2s were SUPER mathematicians!  They learnt all about MULTIPLICATION and DIVISION and what strategies they can use to solve problems.  Through hands-on exploration, then application they solved many problems.  During learning they were persistent, strived for accuracy, asked lots of questions and learnt from each other to build on their prior knowledge and what GROWTH they made!  

Fraction FUN was also had!  We have established that in Year 2 we love Fractions! Students learnt to name and explain what fractions are, they were given opportunities to draw a simple fraction as well as use the language of fractions like numerator and denominator.  What a blast!