Science Week 

12th - 20th August 2023

Science came alive in a whirlwind of excitement and discovery during a whole-school Science Week event on Wednesday! Students participated in a range of activities including giant bubbles, paper planes, whirlybirds, wind-powered cars, design challenges, floating and sinking investigations and Makey Makey! 


A massive shout out to our parent and family helpers - Alex, Amy, Andrew, Bridey, Desi, Greg, Jaci, Marlo, Natasha, Nathan and Sarah for dedicating your time to be there on the day. Your support helped our day run as smoothly as it did - thank YOU!


A big thank you to Dr. Steve Petrie for joining us to support one of the design challenges. Steve is a scientist who has been partnered with us through the CSIRO's STEM Professionals in Schools program. We are excited to continue to collaborate with Steve to enhance our science experiences and learning! 


I extend my gratitude to our dedicated teachers, enthusiastic students, and the volunteers who made this day possible. It is a day that I won't forget and one that I am immensely proud of. Science, to me, is magical, fun and inclusive and I hope this day was a small reflection of this. 


If you would like any further information on any of the activities, please come and see me! 




Taylah Hill