Middle School News

Year 7 to Year 9

Middle School Update

Year 10 2024 Subject Selection Process

Earlier this week, Year 10 students and their parents and guardians were notified of how to enter 2024 Subject Selection Data. As the College will shortly commence the construction of the 2024 Secondary School timetable, it is important that this data is entered in advance of the Friday September 8 deadline.

Creative Edge 2023

Last weekend, over 40 students from Years 6 to 9 represented the College in the Creative Edge Problem Solving Challenge. It was wonderful to have so many parents present to cheer on Salvado students. Some groups did face extra last-minute challenges - a reminder that we do sometimes need to ‘think on our feet’ when unexpected situations arise.


Event coordinator Kathy Boyzatis again spoke highly of the wonderful young people representing Salvado Catholic College. This year, it was fantastic to have Year 6 students join us for the first time. This means that in only our second year of being involved in the program, Salvado was the school with the most teams entered – a remarkable achievement!


We thank Mrs Jeeves, Mrs Rozario and Ms Burrows for their support of our students, and also Mr McGrath, who came along to barrack for our teams on the day.


Well done to all students for your hard work over the last 6 weeks. We now nervously wait to see if any of our teams are selected for the September 16 State Final – we will keep the community posted.


Mr Jason Meynell