College Notices

Father's Day Morning Cuppa


We are extending our warmest welcome to all fathers to our Morning Cuppa this Friday, 1 September (Friday), from 8am to 8:45am at the Covered Assembly Space.  


We anticipate the morning to be a busy and happy one, and would like to remind everyone attending that there are limited parking spots at our College. So we would like to encourage everyone to exercise patience and understanding when trying to find a parking spot. If and where possible, please try to car-pool, or moms could help to drop dads off at the College :) Streetside parking is available along Abernethy Road and Mead Street. There may also be some parking spots at the Abernethy Carpark


Enrolment for 2024

As we are currently completing enrolments for places in 2024, as per our College Fee Schedule, it is a requirement that families notify the College in writing by the end of Term 3 if family circumstances are changing and if you are leaving Salvado Catholic College at the end of 2023. 


If this is the case, please email and attention your email to Mr Hagen to provide the required notice.


Education Minister's Running Challenge

Join the Education Minister's Running Challenge and embark on an exciting fitness journey! Open to all primary and secondary school students in WA, this challenge encourages physical activity for everyone, regardless of ability.


Complete a weekly fitness challenge for your chance to win weekly prizes, and at the end, unlock a special reward: free entry into the thrilling Perth Running Festival. Lace up, set your pace, and let's make fitness fun together! Register now at


Edu-Dance Showcase

After 8 weeks of dance practices, the Edu-Dance program will culminate in the Showcase event on Friday, 22 September. The program schedule for the day has yet to be finalised, so please look out for more information in the coming weeks.


Kindly note that dance performances will not be recorded this year.


Bursaries & Scholarships

The following bursaries and scholarships are now open to students in Year 7, 2024.


Aboriginal Secondary Student Bursary


Year 7 2024 Academic Scholarship


Applications close on Friday, 22 September.


Free RAT kits


We have free test kits available (both saliva and nasal types). If you are in need of some, please come to the Front Office and ask for some. 


Learn the drums & piano at Salvado Catholic College!