Holiday Learning Ideas

By Trudy Gau

Congratulations to Charlie B and Molly T who were our final winners for Problems of the Week, 2024. Keep up the good work.


Maths Ideas:

Car rides - each choose a car colour and keep a tally of how many there are. The winner is the person who saw the most of their colour.

Make a prediction about how many 'white/blue/red' cars you might see in a trip and keep a tally - the winner is the person who had the closest guess.

Choose odd/even and the person who sees the most number of odd/even number plate numbers is the winner.

Round the numbers on a number plate to the nearest 10/100 - give each person a time limit.

Add/subtract 10 from the 3 digit number on the number plate or multiply and divide 10/100 to the 3 digit number

Online websites/apps to practice number fluency and facts:


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