Level 4: Connect

Well, with only a week to go we are certainly nearing the end of Level 4. We would like to thank you all for your incredible support of your child's learning journey this year. As we have said many times this year, our Level 4 students really are a brilliant cohort. Throughout the year, they have shown such diligence, kindness, friendship and respect to name but a few of their qualities.
It has been a pleasure to have worked with each and every one of these wonderful children over the past year. And what a year it has been! Please enjoy reading and viewing some of the 2024 highlights from some of our Level 4 students below:
4A's Favourite Moments:
Shaya- My favourite day of this year was the swimming carnival because it was my first swimming carnival and also because I came first in the freestyle.
Charlie T.- My favourite moment of this year was when I got my pen licence.
James F. - At school camp I had an amazing experience on the giant swing. The wind on my face was amazing as I pulled the green rope and dropped from the top. It was incredible!
Coco- My favourite moment was camp because we did lots of activities like the treasure hunt and ponding.
Sam P.- I loved the giant swing at camp.
Will- My favourite thing was hula hut showdown in PE.
Ida- My favourite part of Level 4 was coming second in Red Faces at camp and making a new best friend.
Tyler- I loved camp, especially the scavenger hunt, the giant swing and being in class with Mrs. Hall and my friends.
Gus- My favourite moment was camp because I got to go on the giant swing and the flying fox. I loved being in the ssame cabin as my friends.
Olympia- I loved all the funny moments in class. For instance, when we were playing a question game and someone said Melbourne had ten syllables! We all laughed so much we cried!
Essie- My favourite part of this year was camp because I liked our cabins and all the activities we did like zip lining and the big swing.
Geoffrey- My favourite thing about camp was the giant swing and the food.
Joey- I enjoyed camp the most because I made a lot of friends in my cabin.
Sophie- My highlight this year was the athletics carnival because I discovered I was quite good at discus.
Toby- This year I really enjoyed camp, mainly eating the delicious food and having frineds in my cabin.
Charlie C.- My favourite moment of this year was camp. I got to play on the flying fox and it was great.
Neve- My highlight of 2024 was when we went to Phillip Island. We did the Amaze'n' Things maze and Essie and I finished first, then Essie got lost trying to help people out.
Millie- My highlight of this year was camp. We got to go on the giant swing. It was really fun. I loved my cabin because I shared it with my best friends.
Alice- My favourite moment of this year was when we were doing cooking with Mr. Marco and Toby ate eight bowls of pasta!
Seino- This term's project has been fun because I got to work with Joey. I love to research facts too.
4B's Favourite Moments:
Alex A - I have had so many highlights this year but my best ones were, going on the giant swing with my friends and saying that our friends had been in the shower for a VERY long time even though they had been in it for 15 seconds.
Henry - In house athletics, I won alot of medals. 1 first place, 2 second place, 1 third place and finally 1 fourth place. What I learnt on the day, it doesn't matter what place you get, it matters if your enjoyed it.
Freya - My highlights of 2024 was getting to be with Miss G and getting to know her. I like how and her and the other teachers give us a choice like in WIN (What I Need). Market Day, Year 4 Camp and Districts were also amazing things this year. This year 100% the best year yet.
Isla - My highlights were the colour run, participating in shot put at the athletics carnival, learning flag football in P.E, being in 4B, learning about angles and the plays we created in Performing Arts.
Zara W - This year I really enjoyed: doing hurdles at the Athletics Carnival, having Performing Arts (I am going to miss Mr Scherpenhuizen and Miss G), having Miss Hemmings teaching us in Art. I loved this year.
Mark - My highlight was when I went to camp and couldn't go to sleep for the whole night and everybody was being so funny.
James - My favourite time this year was the adventures we had on the bus on the way to camp. Toby, Sam P and I went crazy and talked about windows and bridges at one point.
Farah - The fun times at camp when I was on the giant swing. First I saw all my friends scream and I went on and my tummy was rumbling and then I dropped. It was so fun.
Talia - My hightlight is grade 4 camp at the zoo place thing. I really liked feeding the kangaroos. I enjoyed learning about biological science.
Alfie - One of my highlights this year was the giant swing because after the drop my tummy felt like it was still at the top.
Nellie - My highlight from grade 4 is camp because we got to go on the giant swing and have lots of fun with my cabin mates. People kept screaming keeping other cabins awake which was funny.
Hugh - When my friend Wyatt at camp kept waking everyone up and jumping on my bed from his bunk bed.
Isaac - Camp, the giant swing and staying up all night getting 1 hour of sleep.
Summer - I liked camp because I was in the cabin with my friends so we got to hang out and also the giant swing. I learnt more about angles.
Julian - This year, one of my many highlights were in P.E becase we got to learn how to play flag football.
Rose - My favourite thing about this school year is the swimming carnival, when I did the breast stroke race and came third. I had only learnt break stroke a week before. First time luck!
4C Diary Writing
4C Reflections:
Xavier - My highlight this year was district athletics, I loved competing in the high jump.
Samuel - I loved the Performing Arts play we wrote and performed this term.
Georgia - I loved Swimming Carnival in Term 1. It was super fun and refreshing because it was such a hot day!
Lenny - My highlight was Camp. I especially loved the giant swing.
Kiyaan - My highlight was Camp. My favourite part was the Red Faces talent show.
Zac - Level 4 Camp my favourite part was the giant swing.
Layla - Level 4 Camp, I loved the giant swing and the activities and the cabins.
Lana - My highlight was qualifying for district Cross Country and Esperance house winning.
Avia - My highlight was Level 4 Camp and the Halloween Disco!
Eva - The swimming carnival was so fun!
Wyatt - my highlights were the giant swing on camp and the Dance Incursion
Millie - I loved the Dance Incursion because I love dancing!
Benji - I loved my cabin on camp!
Mali - I enjoyed the Colour Run because the teachers got slimed!
*Thanks to those families who have supported our World Vision Fundraising efforts. We are looking forward to counting our donated money and, together as a level, deciding on which gifts to choose from the World Vision website. Will we opt for a well for a small African village, blankets, or some stationery for a Cambodian school?
We hope to make our decisions on Thursday, 19th December so we would appreciate all donations by then.
Once again, thanks very much for your donation, no matter how small.
Together with your child, you can check out the WV website here:
* We hope you can make it to our Christmas Celebration concert next Monday afternoon from 4.30-5.30 pm in our stadium. We will be showcasing our Christmas dance as well as a special Level 4 Christmas carol. It should be a fun afternoon!
* Students are now putting the finishing touches to their biological science inquiry projects.
Students have chosen from a range of fascinating ecosystems, including the Great Barrier Reef, Himalayas, Daintree Rainforest, Antarctica, Kimberley Region, and more. They are presenting their learning in a variety of ways including amazing magazines, posters, dioramas, booklets etc.
You are invited to our project expo next Wednesday from 2.45 pm when our Level 4 superstars will showcase their learnings. We hope you can come along to the Level 4 classrooms next week.
Wishing all our Level 4 families and friends a wonderful Christmas and a very happy new year. Safe travels if you're hitting the road and we thank you all again for a wonderful year.
All the best,
Tilly G., Robyn, Lisa and Tilly V.
Level 4 Teachers