
Second Sunday of Advent
When the Messiah comes, there will be many changes in the world. We must trust in God's promise, but we must also work to help make those changes a reality. Luke set before us a very specific time in history when people waited for this new world. We wait today for Christ to come again, still trusting that God will keep his promise.
Lord Jesus Christ,
we await your Second Coming
as we prepare to celebrate your First
Coming at Christmas.
Be near us now as we light the second candle
of our Advent wreath.
As this light grows brighter,
we are reminded that youare here already,
in your Word,
in your Church,
in the faces of those in need,
and our love for each other.
You live and reign with the
Father and the Holy Spirit,
God, for ever and ever.
Reference: Celebrating the Lectionary Year C