Library News

The Library has had a great year in 2024! In September, the much looked forward to Book Week took place! This was run by the incomparable Senhora Sproule, the magnificent Mrs White, and the brand spanking new Librarian Mrs Boxall. Activities included a Pokemon Hunt through the school, an Illustration Competition, a quick Writes competition, a Guess How Many Words in the Jar competition (new!), an author visit from Ms. Naomi Woodward, a Short Story Competition, and finally, the most hotly anticipated event of them all-the costume parade! Students and staff all made an immense effort and the resulting parade was a thing of beauty. Particular mention must be made of the dozen Year 12 students, dressed in suits and ties and grumpy expressions, all clutching copies of Twelve Angry Men; that was a splendid group costume! We are all planning our outfits for next year. 


In October, the IC hosted the Halloween costume contest, run by the SRC and featuring Ms Parramore and Mrs Boxall as judges, and the Hands-On Learning Christmas Market, on the same  day. There have never been so many ghosties and Ghoulies and witches in a library outside of a book before! 

A new venture began in early December- the first ever McClelland College Book Club, headed by keen students Abbie Berg and Luke Hannah. This has been greeted with enthusiasm by staff and students, and the first book read- Coraline, by Neil Gaiman- generated much discussion. Next year’s books will be most exciting. The Library is very much looking forward to 2025, and to seeing new and returning staff and students there!